war crimes in Ukraine

The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.

Appeal of the Kharkov Group for human rights protection to the Sevastopol city council

This is one of the appeals sent to the Sevastopol city council. Stalin’s atrocities are reminded and undesirable reaction to the possible positive decision is mentioned.
Respected deputies!

Our public organization assesses the very fact of considering the question about the erection of Stalin’s monument in any place of the Ukrainian territory as blasphemy.

Those people, who introduce this question into the agenda, those, who collect signatures, are brutally trampling the sacred memory of millions of the perished from the criminal policy of Stalin, who was a real executor of the Ukrainian people (only the artificial famine of the early 30s reaped 8 million lives). Stalin is one of the cruelest criminals against mankind, whom the world history has known. And those, who want to erect the monument to this cannibal, are not only stirring the world scandal, but also provoke interethnic clashes in the Crimea.

Do not you know, communist deputies, who start this provocation (your action does not deserve any other name), what consequences will it have in the region inhabited by Crimean Tatars, who had been exiled from their native land and exterminated by the direct order of the Caniballisimus?

Crimean Tatars, Greeks, Bulgarians and other deported peoples will never pardon this sacrilege. Any Ukrainian citizen of any political convictions has to remember that it was Ukraine, which suffered most from Stalin’s terror. And those, who want to erect Stalin’s monument, have no right not only be a civil servant of any level, but a mere citizen.

We hope that among deputies of the Sevastopol city council reasonable and experienced people exist, who are capable of assessing the size of the international scandal to come and the dangers, which will follow because of the actions provoked by anti-state elements.

‘Prava ludyny’ editor’s comment: As we know, the similar appeals to the Sevastopol city council were sent by the Kharkov oblast Union of soldiers’ mothers and other public organizations of Kharkov.

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