war crimes in Ukraine

The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.

A man was shot.

A stray bullet from a military polygon hit a peaceful citizen. The military do not deny their guilt. The criminal case was started.
Whine of bullets is not unusual in the town Chasov Yar of the Donetsk oblast. When maneuvers are conducted on the polygon in the neighboring village Krasnoe, bullets are smashing panes in the flats. But this time a bullet hit Oleg Dyachenko, a dweller of the town, who was returning from his work. Fortunately, one more man was near him, who summoned the ambulance. Dyachenko was immediately transported to the Artemovsk town hospital and later to the oblast hospital, where doctors aspirated the blood from his pleural cavity. By the opinion of the doctors, now the state of the wounded is gradually improving, but they still do not exclude the possibility of serious surgical operation.

The military confirmed that shooting maneuvers were hold on the polygon at that time and that the bullet that hit Dyachenko was fired from their machine-gun.

At last, after the obstinate demands of the relatives of the victim, the military prosecutor’s office started the criminal case by Article 414 part 1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (violation of the rules of using weapons that resulted in trauma). This Article envisages the responsibility in the form of incarceration or transfer to disciplinary battalion.

Our informant

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