Patriarch of the Odessa journalist beaten
Another journalist was beaten, but this time not for his professional activities. Militia, as always, was inactive.
Some strangers beat the oldest Odessa journalist, octogenarian Yakov Levit, in downtown of Odessa at 6 p.m. He went to a bread-shop. His wife was watching him from the balcony – the reason was that Levit had recently undergone a complicated ophthalmologic operation and had problems with his eyesight. There is a bar on the ground floor of their house and several customers made awful noise. Yakovs wife asked them to be a little more quiet. In response she got a volley of bad language, which her husband, just returning home, could not stand. He asked: Why are you insulting my wife? and was beaten.
The veteran covered with blood managed to get to the nearest militia precinct. The militiamen listened to him very politely and advised first to register the bruises at the nearest hospital and then to turn to militia. Yakov Levit recollected a long list of beating journalists in Odessa and quietly went home.
The veteran covered with blood managed to get to the nearest militia precinct. The militiamen listened to him very politely and advised first to register the bruises at the nearest hospital and then to turn to militia. Yakov Levit recollected a long list of beating journalists in Odessa and quietly went home.