The claims of six Ukrainians were partially satisfied by the European Court of human rights (Volodymir Yavorskiy).
The European Court of human rights got the complaints from six Ukrainian condemned, for whom the death penalty was replaced with life imprisonment after Ukraine abolished the capital punishment. The consideration of the Ukrainian claims lasted for more than five years. The Court in Strasburg partially agreed with the complaints of the Ukrainian prisoners. In particular, the judges admitted that the administration of the Ivano-Frankivsk prison violated the right for religious convictions, since two claimants were not permitted to meet with priest. Another claimant, who stayed in Simferopol prison, could not get the permission for intimate meetings with his wife; this fact was interpreted by the court as a violation of the right for family life. It was stated that all six convicts were kept in the inhumane conditions being waiting for the execution. At the same time, the Strasburg court did not agree with the complaints that the convicts were beaten in the Ivano-Frankivsk prison and refused to acknowledge the administration of the Kmelnitsky prison to be guilty of catching TB by one of the complainers. These conclusions were based on the results of expertise.
The European Court of human rights obliged the Ukrainian state to pay the compensations from 1 to 3 thousand Euro to the six claimants. Besides, the Court must oblige Ukrainian authorities to improve the operating laws and court practices.
Volodymir Yavorskiy,
The European Court of human rights obliged the Ukrainian state to pay the compensations from 1 to 3 thousand Euro to the six claimants. Besides, the Court must oblige Ukrainian authorities to improve the operating laws and court practices.
Volodymir Yavorskiy,