war crimes in Ukraine

The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.

The 50th anniversary of the Norilsk revolt

On 3 August the 50th anniversary of the revolt was celebrated in Volyn.
The revolt of the political prisoners in the Norilsk camp is one of the forgotten pages of our history. In summer 1953 the prisoners openly expressed their protest against the inhumane upkeep conditions in the camp. The revolt was initiated by Ukrainians, who had got their experience in the Ukrainian Rebellion Army and the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists.

On 3 August the 50th anniversary of the revolt was celebrated in the building of the Volyn oblast musical and dramatic theatre named after Taras Shevchenko. “Every lost battle causes victory in the future” – with this quotation Stepan Rodich, a deputy of the head of the oblast administration, commented the events of the remote 1953. Yet, the participants of the Norilsk revolt are sure that it was not lost. For instance, Petro Osiychuk declared: “Norilsk was out great victory!” The numerous guests of the celebration listened to the speeches delivered by Meletiy Semeniuk, the head of the Volyn Brotherhood of the URA Warriors, Oles Gumeniuk, the head of the Lviv Brotherhood of the URA Warriors, Evhen Proniuk, the head of the all-Ukrainian association of the repressed and political prisoners, and other witnesses of the events that had happened 50 years ago.

The listeners were deeply touched by the speech of Yuri Shukhevich, a living legend of the Ukrainian rebellion movement, a son of general Taras Chuprina.

Artistic collectives of the Volyn oblast appeared before the participants. The celebration was concluded with T. Shevchenko’s “Zapovit” performed by the joint chorus of the collectives “Posvit” and “Zlagoda”.

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