Special account is created for the support of Bukovina newspaper “Chas”
05 May 2003
Bukovina independent newspaper “Chas”, which lost the case started after the claim of Oleksandr Semenko, a former head of the directorate for fighting organized crime and corruption, announced the whip-round for the support of the edition that, according to the court decision, must pay compensation equal to 50 thousand UAH.
Leontiy Sanduliak, a former Ukrainian ambassador in Romania, and Oleg Panchuk, a professor of the Chernivtsy national university, who initiated this action, told that the idea to open the special account appeared when the readers began to bring money to the office of the newspaper.
The action will last from 8 to 25 May. During this time the decision will be appealed in the oblast Appeal court. If the court of higher instance would cancel the decision, then the collected money would be stored on the special account of the fund, which would be controlled by the supervision council. These money will be used for the support of independent mass media – newspapers, radio and TV companies, which will undergo some punitive sanctions for their work.
The Institute of mass information, http://imi.org.ua/