Attack on the house of the editor-in-chief of the district newspaper “Chorna gora” (Vinogradov, the Zakarpatska oblast)
In the town of Vinogradov, the Zakarpatska oblast, the attack was committed on the house of Volodymir Mocharnik, the editor-in-chief of the district newspaper “Chorna gora”.
In the early hours of the morning the criminals broke the window by a stone and threw a jar with gas and a strange cardboard box into the room. The jar did not explode by a miracle: it was not damaged.
The special squad of the Vinogradov militia precinct started the investigation of this incident. Now the militiamen consider several versions of the reasons of the attack. One of the versions is the reaction to the recent publications in the district newspaper of the critical materials about the officials of the district state administration and the top officers of law-enforcing structures.
Yaroslav Frindak, after the materials of the Zakarpatska oblast branch
of the Voters Committee of Ukraine