war crimes in Ukraine

The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.

A case on the premeditated impediment to journalists’ activities was started in Shostka


03 July 2003. The Shostka town court of the Sumy oblast did not consider the complaint handed by Irina Degtiariova against the resolution of the Shostka district prosecutor’s office about the institution against her of the criminal case after article 171 Part 1 of the CC of Ukraine, since the representatives of the prosecutor’s office did not come to the trial.

On 2 June the Shostka district prosecutor’s office started the criminal case after article 171 Part 1 of the CC of Ukraine (impediment to the legal journalists’ professional activities) against Irina Degtiariova, the head of the department of the registration of the acts of civil status (DRACS) at Shostka directorate of justice. Ms. Degtiariova pointed out in her complaint that the case had been instituted groundlessly. At the same time, Larisa Yakubenko, the general manager of the company “TELECOM-SERVIS”, stated: “The oblast informational-analytical weekly “Perekrestok” published the data about the number of the births, marriages, divorces and deaths registered during a week. We were obtaining these data from the DRACS since 1999, but newly appointed to this post Ms. Degtiariova refused to render such information to the editorial board without any explanations”.

Institute of mass information, «Barometr svobody slova», July 2003

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