Media trade union is created in Kremenchug
The trade union should protect the rights of journalists and solve the problems of the workers of town mass media in the sphere of labor and professional relations. This information was communicated to the informational agency “Kontekst-media” by Mykola Feldman, the head of the Kremenchug independent media trade union.
According to his words, this project was supported by the public organization “Za pravo kozhnogo”, Kyiv independent media trade union, Kremenchug media-league and the International Foundation “Vidrodjennia”. Mykola Feldman reckons that the creation of the Kremenchug independent media trade union is the first step to the creation of the efficient union of mass media workers.
The preparatory work will be finished in September, and the registration of the initial branches of the town trade union in the editorial boards will begin.
In the opinion of Mykola Feldman, lawyers should be included into the staff of the union, who would not only render the legal aid to journalists in court, but would also protect the rights of mass media workers concerning salaries, conditions of work, etc.
«The Poltava oblast media club”, No. 48, 28 September 2003)