war crimes in Ukraine

The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.

Check of libraries by D. Tabachnik’s commission


Mykola Tomenko, the Head of the Supreme Rada Committee in charge of the freedom of speech and information, insists on the necessity of checking the facts of the violations of laws during the acquisition of library funds, in particular, with the opposition printed mass media. The Supreme Rada endorsed Tomenko’s request to General Prosecutor Sviatoslav Piskun and Prime-Minister Viktor Yanukovich. Tomenko suspects that the workers of the libraries got the orders concerning the subscription to the periodicals, and this was a brutal violation of the norms of the Constitution and other Ukrainian laws.

A number of libraries were checked at the beginning of this year by the special commission headed by Dmytro Tabachnik. The commission acted on the basis of President’s Order of 31 October 2002 on the commission for the complex check of the funds of libraries, archives and museums of Ukraine.

(«Ukraina moloda», No. 108, 18 June 2003)

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