war crimes in Ukraine

The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.

Yulia Timoshenko’s bloc against torture

13.04.2004    source: UNIAN

MP Oleksandr Turchinov directed the deputy’s request to General Prosecutor of Ukraine Gennadiy Vasylyev and USS head Igor Smeshko about the application of torture to the members of Komsomol organization of Odessa during the interrogations in preliminary prisons, which torture resulted in death of one of the interrogated.

This request was read out today by Volodymir Litvin, the head of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine, at the sitting of the Parliament.

On 4 November 2003 20-year-old Sergiy Bedriugin died in Odessa city hospital No. 1. He, together with other 10 members of the group, was accused of terrorism and kept in the local preliminary prison.

Other detained «Komsomol members-terrorists» also complained about the poor health.

4 December 2004

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