war crimes in Ukraine

The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.

In defense of youth

If the authorities feel no shame, if they refuse to apologize to the youth, for which they have failed to create conditions for decent life, then these authorities are bankrupt and evil. “You are young and you are to create a design of our future”.

Parents are considered good, if their children and their attitude toward their children are good. The same holds true for the society in general.

What can our youth say about its nation and its authorities?

One would say, “It’s of no importance.” Other would say, “It’s alien.” Still other would say, “It’s hostile to us.”

The judgments by the young are sharp and demanding. But true. The youth wants to live with dignity and earn its living in a decent way. When lawlessness, bribery, and evil are all around, it is not the world, which can be respected or accepted. Our youth has been robbed.

If the authorities feel no shame, if they refuse to apologize to the youth, for which they have failed to create conditions for decent life, then these authorities are bankrupt and evil.

The student’s “egg attack” against the Prime Minister, who is willing to continue the dirty conquest of the evil authorities, is a grand metaphor. A well-fed adult man fell. Why? Maybe because he just imagined that he was thrown at with thousand of eggs and thousands of curses for his desire to go farther on his criminal path of brutality, harassment, and lies. It’s better to fall at once, than to wait until everybody begins to throw curses at you, like at Kuchma!

Ukraine is a land of contrasts. On the one side, there’s a hardworking and thrifty people, on the other side, there’s a lazy, rude, and corrupt mob, which the authorities have been recruiting for their pseudo-Socialist party.

So, these authorities and this mob do hate our youth for its desire to bring our life back to the path of decency and law. It wants a leader, who will be respected by the nation and the world. It does not want boring bankrupts, who have even bored themselves.

The murder of Georgiy Gongadze was a glimpse of the government-sponsored terror. Notorious murders of proactive citizens; gangster-type, out-of-court sentences; expulsions of students from universities for their decent conduct as citizens; use of killers, information killers, and rude “professors” against the moral resistance showed by students; arrests, searches and beatings with the use of youth serving in the militia; use of the disinformation mass media for falsified accusations; use of courts for reprisals against the strongest – what a decay, what a poison and destruction for the nation’s organism by the worms, who will become extinct tomorrow without a trace!

It was Stalin, who taught them branding academicians, professors, and poets as terrorists. But he could, in order to be more persuasive, to shoot hundreds of thousands. They are capable only to have their adversaries “drowned in a toilet.” Cowards and scoundrels, they are going to use chemicals...

If the students have proclaimed “Pora!” [It’s Time], so it’s time, in effect. They want to shorten the agony of those, who are decaying of their own evil.

We, yesterday’s prisoners of conscience, are proud of the honest and brave Ukrainian youth. Who never stood up for his or her honor and dignity, who never fought for his or her right for decent life and never tempered him- or herself in an unequal struggle, that person was never young!

Such people are being used and then discarded.

We spent our youth in the struggle against inhumane Communist regime. Persecution, prisons, exile – that was the school we graduated from, crippled but honest and loyal to Ukraine. And we pass on to you, the young, the baton of duty and dignity.

Don’t lose your heart! Undoubtedly, your sufferings will be shorter. But let’s be united and strong in our defense of the law and order. We are under attack of the creatures produced by yesterday’s KGB and secret agents, merged with the criminal world, alien to morals. But the armed forces and militia will not support them, because they are composed of normal people par excellence, who also crave for the change of those decaying authorities, which preclude them live and work honesty.

Truth will prevail.

You are young and you are to create a design of our future.

Ukrainian prisoners of conscience:

Yevhen Sverstyuk, Nadiya Svitlychna, Vasil Ovsienko, Mykola Gorbal, Genrikh Altunyan, Ziniviy Antonyuk, Yosyp Zisels, Levko Lukyanenko, Myroslav Marynovych, Levko Gorokhivskiy, Zorian Popadyuk, Petro Rozumny, Oles Shevchenko, Vitaliy Shevchenko, Igor and Iryna Kalyntses, Opanas Zalivakha

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