Kharkiv. Presentation of the book “Rehabilitated by history”
On 17 May 2005 Vasyl Tretetskiy, a deputy head of the Kharkiv regional state administration, and Nina Lapchinska, the head of the editorial-publishing group of the Kharkiv issue “Rehabilitated by history”, presented to journalists the first part of the first volume of the scientific-documentary series “Rehabilitated by history”, published in Kharkiv. The book contains the bibliographic references on 5785 persons, who were repressed during the period from 1919 to 1934. All in all, by words of Ms. Lapchinska, almost 13 thousand of bibliographic references on the victims of the red terror, will be included into the first volume.
Vasyl Tretetskiy pointed out, in his turn, that the scientific-documentary series of the books “Rehabilitated by history” was a unique edition, which had no analogues in world practice. The purpose of book is to return to Ukrainian people the undeservedly forgotten names of its state figures, masters of culture and scientists, to honor the memory of our compatriots, who had become the victims of political repressions. In the opinion the deputy head of the regional administration, the scientific project “Rehabilitated by history” would promote more profound study of the topic, which was under a ban of the Soviet power for many years. Vasyl Tretetskiy also believes that the memorial complex to all victims of political repressions, famine and liberation movement should be constructed in Kharkiv, which memorial would answer the scale of our national tragedy.
Viktor Kozoriz,
Press service of the Kharkiv regional organization of the UNP