Ukrainian journalist wins his case in Strasbourg
The European Court of Human Rights found Ukraine guilty of having violated Mr Lyashkos right to freedom of speech
A Ukrainian journalist has won his claim against Ukraine in the European Court of Human Rights. The Court in Strasbourg has ordered Ukraine to pay Oleh Lyasko 3 thousand Euros compensation. The Court found Ukraine guilty of having violated Mr Lyashkos right to freedom of speech.
In 2001 Lyashko, then the Chief Editor of the newspaper “Politika” was given a two-year suspended sentence and prohibited from holding managerial positions in the mass media for two years in connection with the publication of four articles against the then Head of the Government Vasyl Durdynets.
Lyashko is presently Chief Editor of the newspaper “Svoboda” [“Liberty”] and a State Deputy from the Bloc of Yulia Tymoshenko (BYuT).