war crimes in Ukraine

The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.

Echoes of Lubyanka

17.04.2007    source:
The Russian FSB has demanded the recording of a Radio Echo Moskvy broadcast with Garry Kasparov. They want to decide whether calling on people to join a peaceful rally constitutes “a public call to carry out extremist activities” (Article 280 of the RF Criminal Code)

The Moscow Department of the FSB has begun investigating a broadcast given on Radio Echo Moskvy by one of the organizers of the “March of those in dissent” [“Marsh nyesoglasnykh”], the leader of the United Civic Front Garry Kasparov.  The demand has been received by the editorial office of the radio station.

The letter reads that the check “for possible elements of a crime in the address made by Kasparov in the programme “Kontrudar” [“Counter-attack”] on 8 April 2007” is being carried out on the instructions of the Moscow Prosecutor’s Office.

It stresses that the pre-criminal investigation check is being made “over the calls by Kasparov to take part in a public event “March of those in dissent” on 14 April”, which can be classified as “a public call to carry out extremist activities” (Article 280 of the RF Criminal Code).

On 11 April the Moscow Prosecutor’s Office demanded that a check be carried out as to whether the law on the mass media had been observed in broadcasting on Echo Moskvy the programme “Nyelitso” [“Non-person”] with Edward Limonov. With regard to this, the Presnyensky Prosecutor’s Office has demanded a full text of the programme in electronic and hard copy. The radio station has provided the investigators with all necessary material.

During the “March of those in dissent” in St Petersburg, the Central Department of Internal Affairs says that 120 participants in the protest action were detained. In Moscow, the day before, official figures talk of 250 detentions. According to witnesses, the riot police [OMON] beat those detained, including women and elderly people.

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