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Analysis of the human rights situation in Ukraine
Human rights in Ukraine – 2004. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2005. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2006. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2007. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2008. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2009 – 2010. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2011. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2012. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2013. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2014. Human rights organizations’ report
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Political persecution in modern Ukraine
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war crimes in Ukraine
The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.
• Topics
Russian propagandist and soldiers openly boast of looting homes in occupied Ukraine
Yulia Chicherina and the Russian soldiers showing off their 'trophy' clearly know that they need fear no consequences for admitting to a war crime. Why would they if Putin has 'honoured' numerous suspected war criminals?
Russian FSB come for 70-year-old mother of imprisoned Crimean Tatar civic journalist Seiran Saliyev
Zodiye Saliyeva is a veteran of the Crimean Tatar national movement and no stranger to repression. Russia is now imprisoning her son on the same grotesque charges used under Stalin to execute her grandfather
Court in Russia rules that 20-year sentence against Ukrainian POW for defending Mariupol is not long enough
It is possible that the increase in the already horrific and illegal sentence against imprisoned marine Dmytro Yevhan was because he retracted 'confessions' in court, stating that they had been extracted through torture
19-year-old from occupied Donbas sentenced to 12 years for donation for Ukrainian defenders
The methods are truly chilling, with Russia clearing wanting the population of occupied territory to be terrorized into silence and submission
Crimean Tatar newspaper founder convicted of ‘infringing freedom of information’ for UN report on Russian violations
The fine imposed is cripplingly high, with this only one of several such prosecutions which appear aimed at crushing a valuable source of truthful information
Even Ukrainian-controlled territory claimed as ‘Russian’ by aggressor state’s school curriculum
Not only is Putin claiming more Ukrainian territory than Russia is occupying, but school students must repeat these lies or fail their school-leaving exam
Fake Russian ‘court’ imprisons abducted Ukrainian journalist for membership of non-existent organization
Stripped of the aggressor state’s fake coating, the charges brought against Hennadiy Osmak may well pertain solely to his truthful coverage of the legitimate blockade of Russian occupied Crimea
Russia imprisons Mariupol pensioner on ‘terrorism’ charges after someone's attempt on fake ‘mayor’
It is likely that both 57-year-old Mykola Zabirko from Mariupol and Iryna Kulish from Zaporizhzhia oblast were abducted and held incommunicado, with Russian methods of 'investigation' typically confined to torture
Halyna Dovhopola is almost 70 and facing 7 more years of torment in Russian captivity for her love of Ukraine
Russia has blocked all information about the insane charges against the Ukrainian pensioner from occupied Crimea, but could not conceal the fact that she is a political prisoner
Ukrainian sentenced to 18 years for supposed plan to kill Russian-installed Crimea ‘leader’
Russia has claimed at least 40 Ukrainian men and women were involved in ‘sabotage’ plots with the only ‘evidence’ typically provided by videoed ‘confessions’ extracted through torture
Ukraine finally joins the International Criminal Court but invokes controversial limitation
While good that Ukraine’s legislators have finally passed a law which can help fight impunity for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed since Russia began its aggression, the limitation is frustrating
Dangers lurk behind Ukraine’s ban on Russian-linked Ukrainian Orthodox Church
The active support shown by Kirill and his patriarchate for Russia’s war of aggression is criminal, but the ban of a Ukrainian Church which now denies affiliation may prove a Pandora’s box
Imprisoned Crimean Tatar civic journalist will die soon without life-saving heart surgery
Amet Suleimanov should never have been imprisoned, let alone delivered a death sentence for his Crimean Solidarity journalism. Please help ensure that Russia is stopped from carrying it out!
Imprisoned Crimean Tatar civic journalist will die soon without life-saving heart surgery
Amet Suleimanov should never have been imprisoned, let alone delivered a death sentence for his Crimean Solidarity journalism. Please help ensure that Russia is stopped from carrying it out!
Incriminating sentence exposes Russia’s crimes against Donbas hostage and against Ukraine
Oleksandr Korol was seized while Russia was claiming to have nothing to do with the armed conflict in Donbas, yet 7 years on, it charged him with revealing information about Russian military sites
As of 19.08.2024, we know the whereabouts of 2,510 Ukrainian prisoners
The T4P website now has live statistics on the locations where Ukrainians are being held in Russia and the temporarily occupied territory.
Horrific sentence against Kherson woman for claimed ‘spying’ long after Russia had abducted and imprisoned her
Not only has Russia ‘convicted’ Iryna Horobtsova of legal and legitimate actions in the face of its invasion, but has claimed that these actions were when she had been imprisoned for over ten months
War crimes investigation launched after Russians post video showing beheaded Ukrainian soldier
This is the second of two reports in August alone of Russians mutilating the bodies of Ukrainian defenders
Relentless brutality against Crimean Tatar civic activist sentenced to 19 years for refusing to leave Crimea and his family
Russia is not even trying to conceal the fact that it is targeting civic journalists and activists of the Crimean Tatar human rights movement - and, effectively, their children
Relentless brutality against Crimean Tatar civic activist sentenced to 19 years for refusing to leave Crimea and his family
Russia is not even trying to conceal the fact that it is targeting civic journalists and activists of the Crimean Tatar human rights movement - and, effectively, their children