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Human Rights in Ukraine
The Information Portal of the Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group
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The Security service in a constitutional democracy
Analysis of the human rights situation in Ukraine
Human rights in Ukraine – 2004. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2005. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2006. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2007. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2008. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2009 – 2010. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2011. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2012. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2013. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2014. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights and civil society
History of the dissident movement in Ukraine
Political persecution in modern Ukraine
Our reports to international bodies
“Prava Ludiny” (human rights) monthly bulletin
Some KHPG publications
Freedom of Expression in Ukraine
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war crimes in Ukraine
The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.
• Topics
Zelensky gives top post to official involved in storming of Maidan
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has made yet another baffling appointmentv, this time naming Oleksandr Kuksa head of a department within the Security Service
Zelensky gives top post to official involved in storming of Maidan
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has made yet another baffling appointmentv, this time naming Oleksandr Kuksa head of a department within the Security Service
Russia sentences mathematician to six years for refusing to plead guilty
Russia’s persecution of Azat Miftakhov iis almost certainly linked with his anarchist views, however the 6-year sentence handed down on 18 January also looks like punishment for refusing to admit to something he did not do
Russia indoctrinates children to want ‘to defend’ occupied Crimea against Ukraine
If Russia’s frightening militarization of childhood at home is aimed at getting young people to love and want to ‘defend’ their country, in occupied Crimea, Russia also wants children to hate Ukraine
Russia indoctrinates children to want ‘to defend’ occupied Crimea against Ukraine
If Russia’s frightening militarization of childhood at home is aimed at getting young people to love and want to ‘defend’ their country, in occupied Crimea, Russia also wants children to hate Ukraine
Russia indoctrinates children to want ‘to defend’ occupied Crimea against Ukraine
If Russia’s frightening militarization of childhood at home is aimed at getting young people to love and want to ‘defend’ their country, in occupied Crimea, Russia also wants children to hate Ukraine
Two-year sentence on ‘defamation’ charges for writing about Russian occupiers of Crimea
One of a barrage of repressive laws with implications for occupied Crimea is one steeply increasing punishment for something loosely termed ‘defamation’
Two-year sentence on ‘defamation’ charges for writing about Russian occupiers of Crimea
One of a barrage of repressive laws with implications for occupied Crimea is one steeply increasing punishment for something loosely termed ‘defamation’
“Now and then the flame dies down, but solidarity is a stream of sparks”
Moving interview with Ilya Shakursky, an antifascist political prisoner serving a huge sentence in Russia on charges of involvement in ta fictitious ‘Network’
Crucial victory for Ukraine in ECHR case against Russia over Crimea
It took frustratingly long to get there, but the European Court of Human Rights has effectively determined that Russia is an occupying state and has paved the way for multiple judgements over its violations of human rights in occupied Crimea
Why would Russian Wikipedia censor information on the Donetsk Izolyatsia secret prison?
Russian Wikipedia is proposing to delete its entry on the ‘Izolyatsia’ secret prison in Donetsk, with the reasons cited including problems with neutrality and, most incredibly, lack of importance
Crimean Tatars sentenced to 18, 17 and 13 years for discussing their faith and Russian persecution
A Russian court has sentenced three Crimean Tatars, including a father and son, to horrific terms of imprisonment without any crime, on the basis of discussions about their Muslim faith and political subjects, including Russia’s persecution of Muslims
Crimean Tatars sentenced to 18, 17 and 13 years for discussing their faith and Russian persecution
A Russian court has sentenced three Crimean Tatars, including a father and son, to horrific terms of imprisonment without any crime, on the basis of discussions about their Muslim faith and political subjects, including Russia’s persecution of Muslims
2020: There was no worse year in the realm of human rights after the Revolution of Dignity
I came to such regrettable conclusion analyzing the course of events of the year that has just passed. In my opinion, starting with 2015, the situation with human rights worsened year after year. It was the main reason (not yet realized!) for the devastating defeat of the ruling political forces in 2019. However, it turned out for worse – due to the winners' complete lack of understanding of the need to observe and respect human rights.
Bandera. An Invitation to a Calmer Conversation
At the moment Bandera is probably the most recognizable name in Ukrainian history. You would be hard-pressed to find a better illustration of the gap between history and myth.
Mass detention of Crimean Tatars travelling to political trial in Russia
This was a brazen act of racial profiling by the Russian occupation regime against Crimean Tatars in the latter’s own homeland
Mass detention of Crimean Tatars travelling to political trial in Russia
This was a brazen act of racial profiling by the Russian occupation regime against Crimean Tatars in the latter’s own homeland
Mass detention of Crimean Tatars travelling to political trial in Russia
This was a brazen act of racial profiling by the Russian occupation regime against Crimean Tatars in the latter’s own homeland
Key insurgent admits there was no civil war, just Russian aggression
Pavel Gubarev has acknowledged that the ‘people’s uprising’ in the Donetsk oblast in 2014 was nothing of the sort, and that without Russian involvement, it would have remained a “usual, unarmed and toothless street protest”.
Next, Russia will come for the children
Children in Russian-occupied Crimea have seen their father, grandfather and uncle all taken away. Will they come for their mother next? Or for the children themselves?