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Human Rights in Ukraine
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Analysis of the human rights situation in Ukraine
Human rights in Ukraine – 2004. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2005. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2006. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2007. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2008. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2009 – 2010. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2011. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2012. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2013. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2014. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights and civil society
History of the dissident movement in Ukraine
Political persecution in modern Ukraine
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“Prava Ludiny” (human rights) monthly bulletin
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war crimes in Ukraine
The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.
• Topics
Prosecutor General’s Office obtains carte blanche to raid anti-corruption NGO
The ever-obliging Pechersky Court in Kyiv has allowed the Prosecutor General’s Office to search and remove documents, etc. from the Anti-Corruption Action Centre. This, we are to understand, is how the illustrious investigators want to find US money allocated for reforming the prosecutor’s office
Russia uses Kadyrovs thugs against defence witnesses in Ukrainian political trial
There have been further attempts to prevent defence witnesses appearing at the trial in Grozny of two Ukrainians accused of alleged offences in Chechnya 20 years ago. The court also refused to consider evidence proving that the men were nowhere near Chechnya at the time
Russian-occupied Crimea prosecutor promises revenge for Euromaidan
As reward for ignoring their oath to serve Ukraine and collaboration with an occupying nation, Natalya Poklonskaya has designated ex-Berkut officers who took part in attempts to crush Euromaidan as ‘injured party’ in prosecutions over which Russian-occupied Crimea has absolutely no jurisdiction
Two Years After Annexation, Crimeans Wait On Russia’s Unfulfilled Promises
In the run-up to the March 16, 2014, referendum in Crimea -- which has not been recognized as legitimate by the international community -- Moscow and pro-Russian figures on the peninsula promised locals a glittering and prosperous future. The promises remained unkept
Surreal calls for ‘fair trial’ in Russia’s lawless terror against Crimean Tatars
A UN body’s recent call for a ‘fair trial’ in a prosecution which defies fundamental principles of law and jurisdiction is just one of the indications that the West doesn’t know what to do about Russia’s Crimean political prisoners and is doing next to nothing.
With all eyes on Savchenko, Ukrainian hostage Lytvynov’s farcical trial forgotten
Another trial directly linked with Russia’s undeclared war against Ukraine is continuing just around the corner from Russian Donetsk, where the ‘trial’ of Nadiya Savchenko reached its predetermined end on March 22. Serhiy Lytvynov has also been in Russian custody for almost two years and is now facing absurd charges. So absurd that they could do with publicity, and the defendant with moral support.
Appeal by the leaders of Ukrainian national communities to the Dutch population
Ukrainian citizens of different nationalities took an active part in the Revolution of Dignity. They fought for a European future for our country, for the rule of law, for the triumph of the principles of tolerance and the inviolability of human rights.
Cynical Farce Though It Is, Nadiya Savchenko Must Appeal
A legal trial that is run according to a prewritten script is no trial, and no justice. But by rejecting the appeal procedure, Nadiya Savchenko is making a grave mistake because it removes the possibility of applying to the European Court of Human Rights, and because her case has made the-farce-which-is-Russian-justice clear to the world and the appeal can only help to keep this in the public eye.
Russian Journalists Sent to Be Killed
Russia’s use of the death of two journalists for its high-profile trial in Russia of Nadiya Savchenko, the Ukrainian military pilot captured in Ukraine seems particularly cynical given the total silence over the deaths of other Russian journalists, including one who was almost certainly deliberately sent to his death.
Russian Journalists Sent to Be Killed
Russia’s use of the death of two journalists for its high-profile trial in Russia of Nadiya Savchenko, the Ukrainian military pilot captured in Ukraine seems particularly cynical given the total silence over the deaths of other Russian journalists, including one who was almost certainly deliberately sent to his death.
Russian Journalists Sent to Be Killed
Russia’s use of the death of two journalists for its high-profile trial in Russia of Nadiya Savchenko, the Ukrainian military pilot captured in Ukraine seems particularly cynical given the total silence over the deaths of other Russian journalists, including one who was almost certainly deliberately sent to his death.
Body Of Ukrainian Reporter Gongadze Finally Buried
The body of Ukrainian journalist Georgy Gongadze has been buried in Kyiv, nearly 16 years after his killing, but family and friends say their fight for justice is not over.
Amnesty International’s call for Savchenko ’retrial’ is worse than silence
If Amnesty International has understood how flawed the trial in Russia of Ukrainian Nadiya Savchenko is, it must surely understand how extraordinary its demand for only a ’retrial’ is. A retrial in which country? AI’s silence on the problem here is, unfortunately, not new.
Where is Russia hiding Crimean political prisoner Oleg Sentsov?
Russian rights activists have called on colleagues, particularly in the Far East of Russia, to try to locate Crimean filmmaker and political prisoner Oleg Sentsov whose whereabouts have been unknown for over two weeks
Kremlin Donbas Proxy Openly Rejects Minsk Agreement Elections
A key Kremlin-backed leader has stated that he has no intention of implementing the Minsk Agreement and holding elections according to Ukrainian legislation. Western irritation with Ukraine’s supposed failure to come up with a ‘special’ law to enable such elections is therefore unfounded.
Kremlin Donbas Proxy Openly Rejects Minsk Agreement Elections
A key Kremlin-backed leader has stated that he has no intention of implementing the Minsk Agreement and holding elections according to Ukrainian legislation. Western irritation with Ukraine’s supposed failure to come up with a ‘special’ law to enable such elections is therefore unfounded.
Crimean political prisoner told ’extremism’ is not liking the regime
Crimean civic activist Oleksandr Kolchenko has been placed on the Russian prison ‘prophylactic register’ as a person “with a tendency for circulating extremist ideology”. Kolchenko’ attempts to get an explanation of what this ’extremism’ was about were not successful, although the officials clearly viewed disapproval of the current regime as being dead extremist
Ukrainian PEN asks Dutch colleagues to support a YES vote
It is Ukrainian civil society that has pushed our governments towards closer cooperation with the EU, towards acceptance and unambiguous implementation of European rules and standards, democratic institutions and practices, liberal stances and policies.
Far-Right homophobic thugs attack LGBT Equality Festival in Lviv
The Equality Festival events planned for this weekend in Lviv have been disrupted and the activists effectively – and with violence – driven out of the city. The police did not detain any of the young far-right thugs in masks who first harassed activists, then surrounded the hotel and attacked a coach with Equality Festival activists.
Far-Right homophobic thugs attack LGBT Equality Festival in Lviv
The Equality Festival events planned for this weekend in Lviv have been disrupted and the activists effectively – and with violence – driven out of the city. The police did not detain any of the young far-right thugs in masks who first harassed activists, then surrounded the hotel and attacked a coach with Equality Festival activists.