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Human Rights in Ukraine
The Information Portal of the Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group
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The Security service in a constitutional democracy
Analysis of the human rights situation in Ukraine
Human rights in Ukraine – 2004. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2005. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2006. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2007. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2008. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2009 – 2010. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2011. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2012. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2013. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2014. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights and civil society
History of the dissident movement in Ukraine
Political persecution in modern Ukraine
Our reports to international bodies
“Prava Ludiny” (human rights) monthly bulletin
Some KHPG publications
Freedom of Expression in Ukraine
Аrticles en Français
war crimes in Ukraine
The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.
• Topics
Entre nous, activists
The Center of innovations and development is criticized for the attempt of taking money for its informational services. Both morally and legally an NGO should abstain from such activities. Some advice is given how to get such information gratis.
Entre nous, activists
The Center of innovations and development is criticized for the attempt of taking money for its informational services. Both morally and legally an NGO should abstain from such activities. Some advice is given how to get such information gratis.
Acetone disease in Cherkassy
Ecological catastrophe in the Cherkassy oblast.
Acetone disease in Cherkassy
Ecological catastrophe in the Cherkassy oblast.
Who will defend the rights of the parents of perished servicemen?
On 20 January 2002 the conference of the union of the parents of servicemen perished in peaceful time was held in Kharkov. The participants of the conference undersigned a letter to the President and the Supreme Rada. This letter demands to adopt the special law concerning the parents of servicemen perished in the peaceful time
Who will defend the rights of the parents of perished servicemen?
On 20 January 2002 the conference of the union of the parents of servicemen perished in peaceful time was held in Kharkov. The participants of the conference undersigned a letter to the President and the Supreme Rada. This letter demands to adopt the special law concerning the parents of servicemen perished in the peaceful time
Antoniks case may be falsified.
Ruslan Antonik, the manager-editor of the Peoples TV company of Ukraine, was accused murdering a businessman and condemned to 13 years. Antoniks advocate and the journalists, who investigated and reflected this case in the press, discuss the arguments of the prosecution and come to the conclusion that this criminal case was falsified.
Antoniks case may be falsified.
Ruslan Antonik, the manager-editor of the Peoples TV company of Ukraine, was accused murdering a businessman and condemned to 13 years. Antoniks advocate and the journalists, who investigated and reflected this case in the press, discuss the arguments of the prosecution and come to the conclusion that this criminal case was falsified.
How to defend from authorities slander
It is told how a citizen K. was arrested for a crime he had never committed, what kinds of pressure were applied to him and his advocate, and how some militia officers were punished for this after all.
How to defend from authorities slander
It is told how a citizen K. was arrested for a crime he had never committed, what kinds of pressure were applied to him and his advocate, and how some militia officers were punished for this after all.
This system, in the framework of the operating laws, enables officials to misuse their power
Sergey Potamanov disagrees with his verdict and his appeal of is being considered in the appellation court and the European Court of human rights.
This system, in the framework of the operating laws, enables officials to misuse their power
Sergey Potamanov disagrees with his verdict and his appeal of is being considered in the appellation court and the European Court of human rights.
Most convicts in Ukraine are not socially dangerous
Most convicts in Ukraine are not socially dangerous
The freedom of speech? Do not touch!
We must confirm that the nearer is the election, the dirtier are the methods used by the power to get rid of those independent mass media, which do not say the white seeing the black. This is the problem of the freedom of speech in the Poltava oblast that was debated at the consecutive press conference of the Poltava media club.
Bukovina journalists vs. the oblast information directorate
The editors-in-chief of four leading Bukovina newspapers Chas, Molodiy Bukovinets, Doba and Chernovtsy are going to hand a claim against the oblast directorate in charge of the press and information of the Chernovtsy oblast administration and against its head for libel and offence of business reputation of the their editions.
Yulia Timoshenko blames the power for destroying Vecherni Visti
Militia learned about the attack at a journalist from mass media
Journalist Lidia Milchevska, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper Za sotsialny zakhyst, was beaten by strangers. She did not tun to militia since a couple of years ago she already tried to do this in a similar situation, but militia did not help. This is a typical example of how the population trust in law-enforcing organs.
Another journalist beaten
Guards of the chemical plant AZOT tried to get rid of Valeriy Vorotnik, a journalist of the Cherkassy independent newspaper Antenna, by beating him and breaking his camera. By the way, the civil guards presented themselves as USS officers. V. Vorotnik turned to the prosecutors office with the demand to start the criminal case.
A private TV company closed in Simferopol.
The TV company ITB was closed in Simferopol for the alleged anti-state propaganda and subversion of public morals.