Prosecutor General again looks the wrong way over the likely beating of prisoners
As reported here, following reports that prisoners at Buchansk Penal Colony No. 85 (Kyiv region) had been beaten, the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union called upon the Prosecutor General to investigate.
UHHRU stated in its letter that there was reason to believe that members of an “anti-terrorist” unit in masks had been brought into the penal colony on 7 June this year. The reports received suggested that the special unit had beaten a number of prisoners in the heightened security section, and that 13 prisoners had needed hospital treatment.
And the Prosecutor General replied. We quote:
“Your letter on the deployment in Buchansk Penal Colony No. 85 in the Kyiv region of a special purpose unit and beating of prisoners has been reviewed by the Prosecutor General. It has been established that in accordance with an order from the Head of the Kyiv City and Region Division of the Department for the Execution of Sentences and with the approved plan aimed at providing practical assistance in carrying out searches of prisoners, on 8 June 2007 a special purpose unit was brought into Buchansk Penal Colony No. 85 in the Kyiv region.
During the search a considerable number of prohibited items were found and removed. No physical force or special means were applied.
On the basis of the check, the actions of the special purpose unit and of personnel of Buchansk Penal Colony No. 85 in bringing in the unit and the carrying out of the search are declared to comply with current legislation.”
We would seem to be dealing with yet another considerably less than adequate investigation by the Prosecutor General.