Human rights in Ukraine – 2006. FROM THE EDITORS
This report focuses on the human rights situation in Ukraine in 2006 and the first five months of 2007. It contains a “Civic Assessment of government policy in the area of human rights” and an in-depth analysis of specific aspects of the human rights situation during the period in question. The scope of both of the above has been considerably expanded since the previous years reports. Sometimes this broadening resulted in entirely new sections, for example, on the work of the Human Rights Ombudsperson; domestic violence; human trafficking; labour rights; the right to education; the right to health care, and a special section on the environmental and human consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster.
The Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union and the Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group would like to gratefully acknowledge the enormous help offered us in creating this Human Rights Organizations Report. First and foremost we wish to thank:
The organizations which kindly provided material for this report:
The All-Ukrainian Environmental Organization “MAMA-86”
The Civic Organization “Centre for Legal Awareness” (Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk region)
The Civic Organization „Donetsk Memorial”
The Civic Organization “For the rights of each of us” (Kremenchug)
The Civic Organization "Helsinki Initiative-XXI" (Chortkiv, Ternopil region)
The Civic Organization “MART” [Youth Alternative], Chernihiv
The Civic Environmental and Humanitarian Association “Zeleny Svit” [“Green World”]
The Committee on Monitoring Press Freedom in the Crimea
The Environmental Organization “Pechenihi” (Kharkiv)
The Institute of Mass Information (Kyiv)
The International Association “Environment – People – Law” [EPL] (Lviv)
The International Society for Human Rights, Ukrainian Section (Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk)
The International Womens Human Rights Centre “La Strada – Ukraine”
The Lviv Regional Free Education and Science Trade Union
The Kherson Regional Charity and Health Foundation
The Kherson Regional Branch of the Committee of Voters of Ukraine
The Kirovohrad Childrens Environmental Organization “Flora”
The Luhansk Regional Branch of the Committee of Voters of Ukraine
The Media Law Institute (Kyiv)
The National Ecological Centre of Ukraine
The Odessa Human Rights Group “Veritas”
The Odessa Regional Branch of the Committee of Voters of Ukraine
The Public Committee for the Protection of Constitutional Rights and Civil Liberties (Luhansk)
The Religious Information Service of Ukraine (RISU)
The “Respublica” Institute (Kyiv)
The Ukrainian Association “Zeleny Svit”
The Union “Public Watch” (Nikopol, Dnipropetrovsk region)
The Vinnytsa Human Rights Group
Amnesty International
Human Rights Watch
The authors and co-authors of particular units, as well as the researchers of material used here:
Taras Antoshevsky; Yury Babinin; Larisa Baida; Ruslan Belsky, Anatoly Boiko; Oleksandr Bukalov; Ruslana Burova; Serhiy Burov; Arkady Bushchenko; Volodymyr Chemerys; Inga Dudnyk, Serhiy Fedorynchyk; Mykola Feldman, Dmytro Groisman; Hanna Holubovska-Onisimova; Olena Hrabovska; Olha Kalashnyk; Oleksy Kinebas; Mykola Kozyryev; Kateryna Levchenko; Viacheslav Lichachov, Hennady Marushevsky; Olha Melen; Yaroslav Movchan; Oksana Nesterenko; Andriy Olenyuk; Yevheniya Pavlova; Mykhailo Popadyn. Volodymyr Prytula, Vsevolod Rechytsky; Andriy Rokhansky; Mykhailo Romanov, Irina Sarancha; Oleksandr Severyn; Serhiy Shaparenko; Maksim Shcherbatyuk; Andriy Sokolov; Oleksandr Stepanenko; Andriy Tolopilo; Olena Volochai; Yaryna Volvach, Maria Yasenovska; Maryana Yevsyukova; Inna Zakharova;
This report would not have been possible without the support and assistance of Halya Coynash, Volodymyr Derkachov, Irayida Fesenko, Viktor Kochuryn, Oleh Myroshnychenko, Oleksandr Savransky, Vitaly Svyatsky, Serhiy Udalov, Volodymyr Uryvay and Boris Zakharov
We would like also to express our gratitude to those who provided financial assistance for this Report:
The Democracy Fund of the Press, Education and Culture Department of the Embassy of the USA
The International Renaissance Foundation
The National Endowment for Democracy (USA)
The Open Society Institute (Budapest)
Yevgeny Zakharov, Volodymyr Yavorsky