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Human Rights in Ukraine
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Analysis of the human rights situation in Ukraine
Human rights in Ukraine – 2004. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2005. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2006. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2007. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2008. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2009 – 2010. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2011. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2012. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2013. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2014. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights and civil society
History of the dissident movement in Ukraine
Political persecution in modern Ukraine
Our reports to international bodies
“Prava Ludiny” (human rights) monthly bulletin
Some KHPG publications
Freedom of Expression in Ukraine
Аrticles en Français
war crimes in Ukraine
The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.
• Topics / Access to information
Vital ruling on Soviet era archives
A judgement just issued by Russia’s Constitutional Court concerns access to most archival documents of public importance which were classified as secret over 30 years ago
So much for the Public Information Act, Next step Strasbourg
The European Court of Human Rights’ assessment must be sought since all Ukrainian court instances have denied the apparently irrefutable right of a Ukrainian journalist and citizen to know how much the President paid for a State-owned piece of land within Mezhyhirya.
What’s so secret about city plans?
Ukrainians still have restricted access to city plans. While this may not seem like scintillating reading, such access would make it possible to identify – perhaps even prevent – all kinds of corrupt dealings.
Two months of dangerous inaction
Exactly 2 months have passed since Volodymyr Honcharenko, a prominent environmentalist from Dnipropetrovsk, was fatally injured in a brutal attack. .
Cabinet of Ministers “fights terrorism” to intimidate the media
"The fact that such a directive appeared without public discussion and without, let’s be open about it, an overt terrorist threat for Ukraine, makes one wary"
Committees vs. Compliance
Ukraine’s leaders’ faith in the power of committees is misguided. If they are still offered as a panacea for all Ukraine’s democratic aches and pains, then presumably those in the frontline of criticism have no other ammunition. Or hope they can make it to cover before being exposed.
Government prepares for elections: an offensive on all fronts
Analysis of three potentially dangerous documents – the Cabinet of Ministers directive on “fighting terrorism”, the draft law on criminalizing libel and the draft law on peaceful assembly
Government steps up measures against “actions which threaten public order”
The Cabinet of Ministers has issued a Directive to the Security Service, the State Broadcasting Committee and other bodies on measures, including media coverage, against terrorism, calls to overthrow the constitutional order, disturbing the peace …
The President’s own hunting ground…
The online publication has reported that the Kyiv Regional State Administration has leased over 30 thousand hectares of public property in the Dnipro-Teteriv Forest to the Kedr Society of Hunters and Fishermen which is closely associated with President Yanukovych
Publicly Dangerous Silence
It is terrifying – and unacceptable – to think that in today’s Ukraine those who expose inconvenient information of public importance can be killed. Please endorse the following appeal
A Detective Story with a Difference
It is manifestly clear that any attempts to conceal information about the contaminated scrap metal that Volodymyr Honcharenko reported could adversely affect the investigation into the murder of this well-known civic and environmental activist.
Infectious silence
The authorities have virtually not responded at all to the murder of the well-known Dnipropetrovsk environmentalist and civic activist Volodymyr Honcharenko. There were no words of sympathy, no promises to investigate the crime, bring those responsible to justice.
To the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Mr. Emomali Rahmon
The Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group is seriously concerned by the deepening crisis in the city of Khorog, Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast of Tajikistan, where for the third day the situation remains unstable.
Media Law Institute defends journalist’s right to information about public procurement
The Media Law Institute has lodged an appeal against the refusal by the State Property Fund to provide journalist Ihor Lutsenko with public information regarding public procurement
More court cases would teach officials to respect the Public Information Act
Volodymyr Torbich, Editor of the Rivne Journalist Investigation Agency, believes it is vital that journalists turn to the courts or Prosecutor if denied access to public information and has done so on a number of occasions himself
Jornalists draw up a Corruption Map
They wish to draw the attention of the authorities and the public to the fact that none of the journalist investigations lead to any appropriate response from those in power.
Court again protects Yanukovych from journalists
For the second year running, a court has banned a totally peaceful gathering by the civic movment Stop Censorship in the village of Novi Petrivtsi near the President’s reputedly sumptuous residence at Mezhyhirya.
Information security: what are we protecting?
The author calls the trend towards making more information classified and restricting access to information “more dangerous for the country’s future than any other violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms”
On the single bidder public procurement for the President’s flights
8.1 million UAH on servicing the President’s plane flights will go to the only bidder in the public procurement, “Tsentravia” which would seem to be connected with the company which owns the President’s residence at Mezhyhirya
Parliamentary elections with limited access to information
US journalist Zenon Zawada says that for the first time in 7 years he is extremely concerned over the issue of personal safety, and even feels some fear since he sees all the signs that the coming elections will be hard and brutal.