The Dnipropetrovsk region needs help in fighting HIV/AIDS
The Dnipropetrovsk region has the second fastest rising number of people with HIV. The Head of the Regional Administration Viktor Bondar has turned to the central authorities seeking financial assistance in building an anti-AIDS regional centre.
Since its foundation in 1997, the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Centre for Prophylactic Treatment and Fighting AIDS has been situated in a small building which is over 60 years over. The number of people with AIDS or HIV infected in the area has almost tripled during this period and now stands at over 20 thousand. the Head Doctor of the Centre Mykola Turchin points out that the in-patient department can only hold 30 patients, which means that patients must wait for weeks to receive hospital care, and that there are 8 patients in rooms instead of two. The doctors ask other hospitals to find room for their patients. In the small premises of the clinic they are forced to admit children, pregnant women and people suffering from tuberculosis. The doctors are sounding the alarm since in such conditions it is impossible to provide full prophylactic care and treatment for the illness. The region has not been able to build an anti-AIDS centre for over ten years now since the cost (30 million UAH) is prohibitive.