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Analysis of the human rights situation in Ukraine
Human rights in Ukraine – 2004. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2005. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2006. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2007. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2008. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2009 – 2010. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2011. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2012. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2013. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2014. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights and civil society
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Political persecution in modern Ukraine
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“Prava Ludiny” (human rights) monthly bulletin
Some KHPG publications
Freedom of Expression in Ukraine
Аrticles en Français
war crimes in Ukraine
The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.
• Topics / On refugees
UNHCR condemns Ukraine’s refusal to admit Kyrgyz asylum seeker
The UN Refugee Agency has condemned the refusal to allow a Kyrgyzstan national onto Ukrainian territory in violation of international law and the judgements of the European Court of Human Rights
HRW: Stop Harassing Somali Asylum Seekers
The Ukrainian authorities should immediately stop police harassment and threats against Somali asylum seekers held at the Zhuravychi Migrant Accommodation Centre, Human Rights Watch insists
Ukraine must release Somali asylum-seekers
Amnesty International is calling on the Ukrainian authorities to release Somali nationals who are currently on hunger strike in protest at being detained for up to a year “for the purposes of deportation” following court orders issued in December last year.
Concern over plight of Somali asylum seekers in Ukraine
The Ukrainian Refugee Council has issued an open appeal to the President, Minister of Internal Affairs, Head of the Migration Service and others calling on them to take all measures needed to regulate the situation of Somali asylum seekers presently in Ukraine.
90% of asylum seekers in Ukraine turned down
Ukrainian NGOs report that over the ten years since Ukraine signed the UN Convention on the Status of Refugees, it has not created a system for giving effective assistance to asylum seekers.
The Whole Truth about fighting Ilegal Immigration: Facts and Figures
In a damning expose of myths about migration and those who encourage them, Volodymyr Batchae stresses that the fight against illegal migration must not turn into a hunt for CIS nationals so as to be able to proudly present to Europe hunting trophies in the form of figures supposedly demonstrating an exacerbation of the problem
Watch out for skinheads and the police
Yury Nuzhny writes about an asylum seeker from Guinea who asked him to tell people about the latest of many encounters with the Kharkiv police. Perhaps, he says, the people at the top in the police don’t know what’s happening and when they find out, will punish those responsible.
Hospitality the Ukrainian way: three days in custody at Boryspil Airport
Late in the evening of 9 September a family from Afghanistan – a pregnant woman, her husband and one-year-old infant – was allowed onto Ukrainian territory after being unlawfully detained for three days by Kyiv border guards
Will the new law make life easier for refugees?
While reception has been generally positive, there are doubts as to its practical enforcement. Its success will also depend on the court system
What to expect from the new law on refugees
The Law on Refugees and People who need additional or temporary protection came into force on 4 August 2011. Nadiya Ediyeva from the Chernihiv Public Committee for Human Rights, assesses its new features.
Good News at Last: mandate refugee Denis Solopov released!
Denis Solopov, Moscow artist and civic activist who had been held in a Kyiv SIZO (detention unit) since March pending a decision on the extradition request from Russia has been released and has gone to the Netherlands which, unlike Ukraine, found grounds for offering him political asylum
Ukraine to pay refugee from Russian Federation 6 thousand euro in moral compensation
While a Ukrainian court did finally overturn the Prosecutor General’s order to extradite Lema Susarov to the Russian Federation, the Chechen refugee still spent a year in a Ukrainian SIZO
UNHCR comments on new refugee legislation
While the new law on refugees “takes several progressive steps in refugee protection, it does not yet meet EU and international standards on two key points and could be further fine tuned on a number of relevant matters that would further improve Ukraine’s legislative framework”
Calls for release of mandate refugee Denis Solopov
On 20 June, International Refugee Day, human rights activists and artists picketed the Prosecutor General’s Office demanding the release from detention of Moscow artist and civic activist, Denis Solopov who took part in the Khimki Forest protest in Moscow region
Political Refugee Denis Solopov could be deported to Russia
Environmental activist and artist Denis Solopov holds mandate refugee status from the UNHCR in Ukraine, yet this, a spokesperson says, is not a decisive argument according to Ukrainian legislation
Amendments proposed to Law on the Legal Status of Foreign Nationals
While the new draft law apparently gives foreign nationals and stateless persons virtually the same opportunities as Ukrainian citizens, it retains provisions which tighten the rules for entering and staying in Ukraine, including the possibility of refusing entry or deporting a person who “discredits” the country
Denis Solopov, Khimki Forest defender still in danger of extradition to Russia
Denis Solopov is a mandate refugee and must not be extradited. Whatever prompted the Ukrainian authorities to reach a different conclusion, the UNHCR studied the material and is certain that there were grounds to grant him status which precludes extradition
Amendments to migration legislation: Punish and ban, or resolve the problems?
The No Borders Project warns that the amendments to migration legislation adopted on 5 April 2011 pose the threat of greater abuse and human rights violations, while giving some hope for positive development of one important constitutional concept
Parliament introduces new rules for foreign nationals and stateless persons
The changes increase the number of grounds allowing deportation as well as fines for exceeding time limits for registration. Specialists consider that the amendments do not meet international standards.
Afghan citizens beaten in detention at Ukraine airport
Amnesty International has condemned the mistreatment of eight Afghan citizens awaiting deportation from Ukraine, who are being beaten by border guards and denied adequate food, water and medical treatment