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Human Rights in Ukraine
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Analysis of the human rights situation in Ukraine
Human rights in Ukraine – 2004. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2005. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2006. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2007. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2008. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2009 – 2010. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2011. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2012. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2013. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2014. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights and civil society
History of the dissident movement in Ukraine
Political persecution in modern Ukraine
Our reports to international bodies
“Prava Ludiny” (human rights) monthly bulletin
Some KHPG publications
Freedom of Expression in Ukraine
Аrticles en Français
war crimes in Ukraine
The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.
• Topics / Dissidents and their time
Acceptance speech on receiving the State Award “For Courage” 1 class
"We are convinced that the moral principles which once compelled us to resist remain exceptionally important today also. This is first of all the intense love for Ukraine which guided our actions. We see the lack of this love today. It is secondly the love of truth which alone can set us free. This love of truth later brought us together on Maidan. And thirdly, it is the love of God who spoke to us in the prisons and labour camps in different ways – for some in religious language, for others secular – and people responded to that call.
State Honours to mark the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group
Viktor Yushchenko, speaking on behalf of the Ukrainian people and state, expressed deepest honour and gratitude. “It was you who laid the first foundation stones in creating civic society in Ukraine.."
Myroslav Marynovych on the Ukrainian Helsinki Group and much more
“As far as my perception of freedom is concerned, it has not changed. I paid too high a price for it to now doubt its value”. Myroslav Marynovych, one of the ten founding members of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group, thirty years on
To those who balanced over a Soviet precipice
To the founders and members of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group who saw no choice
Press Conference opens events marking the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group
Those attending included Levko Lukyanenko, Raisa Rudenko, Ludmila Alexeeva (Moscow Helsinki Group), Vasyl Ovsiyenko, Josef Zisels, Osyp Zinkevych and Volodymyr Yavorsky from the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union.
Vasyl Ovsiyenko, former Soviet dissident and Ukrainian human rights activist on the BBC
On the Ukrainian Helsinki Group, the human rights movement and his experiences in the 1970s
Verkhovna Rada also marks the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group
Unfortunately none of the action for making the date have been agreed with the actual organizing committee, and no practical assistance has been offered
Verkhovna Rada refuses to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of Petro Grigorenko
Petro Grigorenko was one of the original members of the Moscow Helsinki Group, an active defender of the rights of the repressed Crimean Tatar people and spoke out in support of the demonstrators who went out onto Red Square on 26 August 1968 to protest against the invasion of Czechoslovakia as well as of other dissidents
On the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the Ukrainian Public Group to Promote the Implementation of the Helsinki Accords
Decree of the President of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, № 908/2006
The founders of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group and all those who asserted their freedom and ours
On 9 November 2006 it will be thrty years since the founding of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group, The level of awareness of the UHG and the dissident movement in Ukraine is on the whole low, and virtually non-existent in many other countries. We asked those who resisted the totalitarian regime and defended their rights to share their thoughts. .
Thirtieth Anniversary of the Founding of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group
Events are planned in Kyiv around the 9th of November to mark an event which was of major impact in raising awareness in Ukraine and within the world community of human rights and how they were being violated by the Soviet regime
In memory of Vasyl Stus
21 years ago today Vasyl Stus, Ukrainian poet, human rights activist and member of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group, died in an isolation cell in one of the Perm Political Prisoner Camps
9 Ukrainians who raised the Ukrainian flag in 1973 receive honours
Volodymyr Marmus who was sentenced to six years labour camp and 5 years exile after he and his friends in 1973 hoisted the Ukrainian flag in the town of Chortkiv speaks of their act and the reaction of the Soviet regime
Ukraine today bid farewell to Nadiya Svitlychna
Members of the Ukrainian Diaspora joined all those in Ukraine who came to honour and remember defender of human rights, Nadiya Svitlychna. President Viktor Yushchenko flew to Kyiv specially in order to attend the funeral.
A last farewell to Nadiya Svitlychna
You were for me, and doubtless for thousands of people in Ukraine and in the Diaspora – living Ukraine, the embodiment of our principles, our conscience
A word to fellow Ukrainians abroad as we bid farewell to Nadiya Svitlychna
In Memoriam: Nadiya Svitlychna
Nadiya Svitlychna, who spent four years in a Soviet labour camp, and who in emigration was active in the External Representation of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group and edited the “Bulletin of repression in Ukraine”, has died
In honour of Yevhen Hrytsyak
Yevhen Hrytsyak, one of the leaders of the 1953 Norilsk Uprising , turns 80 tomorrow. We extend our warmest greetings and best wishes to Yevhen Stepanovych and offer the reader a chance to read a remarkable letter
“Internationalism or Russification?” in the history of Ukraine and its people
On Ivan Dziubas 75th birthday, this discussion on Radio Svoboda points to the enormous role Ivan Mykhailovychs pivotal work played in Ukraine, and the relevance to this day of the fundamental issues it addressed