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Analysis of the human rights situation in Ukraine
Human rights in Ukraine – 2004. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2005. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2006. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2007. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2008. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2009 – 2010. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2011. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2012. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2013. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2014. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights and civil society
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“Prava Ludiny” (human rights) monthly bulletin
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war crimes in Ukraine
The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.
• Topics / News from the CIS countries
More reprisals against Tatar leader jailed for criticizing Russian occupation of Crimea
Rafis Kashapov, the Russian Tatar activist serving a 3-year sentence for criticism on social networks of Russia’s invasion and occupation of Crimea is being moved to the worst form of cell-like imprisonment, with no indication of any time limit
New Russian Ombudsperson sees no political prisoners in Russia, only ‘extremists’
The Chief of Russia’s Investigative Committee has proposed criminalizing ‘denial’ of the fake ‘Crimea referendum’, and the country’s new Human Rights Ombudsperson plans to fight attempts by the West to ‘use’ human rights as a weapon “to destabilize Russia”’
Russia sentences Ukrainian hostage to 8.5 years on openly invented charges
A Russian court has convicted Serhiy Lytvynov of a ‘crime’ which was only reported a year after it allegedly took place, and just after Russia’s Investigative Committee had been forced to withdraw war crimes charges which had been proven to be total fiction
Russia’s Constitutional Court backs selective justice
Human Rights Watch has condemned the Russian Constitutional Court’s first ruling that a binding European Court of Human Rights Judgment is ‘non-executable’.
Russian on ‘List of Terrorists & Extremists’ for Online Criticism of War Against Ukraine
46-year-old Yekaterina Vologzheninova was placed on Russia’s notoriously long ‘List of Extremists and Terrorists’ and convicted of ’inciting enmity’ for reposting or ‘liking’ material on social networks critical of Russia’s annexation of Crimea and war in Donbas
Nadiya Savchenko ends hunger strike
Nadiya Savchenko has agreed to end her hunger strike, following a conversation with her mother and President Petro Poroshenko. The news came the day after the sentencing of two Russian military intelligence officers caught fighting in the Luhansk oblast and a telephone conversation between Presidents Poroshenko and Vladimir Putin.
Extradition promises for show as Russia forces citizenship on Crimean political prisoner
Russia is still trying to force its citizenship on Gennady Afanasyev, one of the four opponents of Crimean annexation taken illegally to Russia and convicted of ‘terrorism’, and may also be putting similar pressure on Oleksandr Kolchenk
Ukrainian hostage faces 9 year sentence in Russia for want of a crime
A Russian court is likely on April 20 to sentence Ukrainian Serhiy Lytvynov to up to 9 years in a maximum security prison. For being Ukrainian, effectively, since he committed no crime. The politics in this case, and there is little else, lies in Lytvynov’s nationality and Russia’s undeclared war against Ukraine.
Draconian laws set scene for mass arrests in Russia & Occupied Crimea
Two draft laws tabled in the Russian parliament have been described as setting the ground for Russia’s FSB to imprison people en masse on ‘extremism’ charges, with these increasingly used in Russia to silence criticism of the regime, and especially its annexation of Crimea
Mounting Concern for Nadiya Savchenko’s Life and Health
Nadiya Savchenko has now been on dry hunger strike for 9 days and her lawyer reports that she has said she will refuse the intravenous injections she has been receiving from Friday.
Corruption Is The New Communism
In many ways, Russian corruption is the new Soviet Communism. Kremlin-sponsored graft is the new Red Menace. And the Soviet Union’s attempts to subvert the West with the power of an idea has given way to Vladimir Putin’s Russia seeking to corrupt it with the lure of easy money
Misleading headlines over extradition of Sentsov & other Ukrainian hostages
The headlines announcing imminent release of Crimean filmmaker Oleh Sentsov and other Ukrainians held illegally in Russia were at very least premature. Statements about Nadiya Savchenko’s possible return also made the headlines earlier, but have yet to come to anything, despite the 34-year-old now being on a total hunger strike and demands from all democratic countries for her release.
Russian Opposition Picks Holes In State TV ’Exposé’ Of Navalny
Russian state TV says it has exposed Kremlin foe Aleksei Navalny as a paid agent of the West. Navalny and his allies in the opposition say they have exposed the program as a sloppy hit-job full of fabricated "evidence."
Torture most classified: How Russia jails another abducted Ukrainian for ‘spying’
At a closed hearing, Russia’s Supreme Court has upheld the 11-year maximum security prison sentence passed on Ukrainian Valentin Vyhivsky. Even the defence lawyer was prohibited from divulging the arguments given which clearly included the torture used to extract ‘confessions’.
Putin’s National Guard will be allowed to shoot at protesters without warning
Officers of the newly created ‘National Guard’ will be allowed to shoot without warning and use armoured vehicles and water cannon against demonstrators Putin’s Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov has already made it clear that the fighters can be used against “unauthorized mass protests”.
Zero credibility no problem for Russia in trial of tortured Ukrainian hostage
The farcical elements in Russia’s second attempt to try Ukrainian Serhiy Lytvynov would make for a good comedy clip. In real life humour is impossible since the 33-year old from a Luhansk oblast village has been held illegally in Russian detention for almost two years. and doubtless still bears the scars of the original torture applied.
Russian deputy charged with incitement to hatred after criticizing Putin
Olga Li is facing a possible prison sentence for ’incitement to enmity and ]extremism’ after a public address to Vladimir Putin in which she accused him of ‘a criminal conspiracy against his own people’ and reported that in the Kursk region Putin’s popularity rating is in fact 25%.
Ukrainian Library director could get 10 years on new Russian charges
With the original ‘extremism’ and ‘incitement’ charges against Natalya Sharina, Director of the Ukrainian Literature Library in Moscow, proving just too sloppy and absurd, Russian investigators have come up with a new indictment
Ildar Dadin jail term upheld as Russia effectively criminalizes peaceful protest
““I am here because I live in accordance with my conscience”, Ildar said in court on Thursday. Until you come out and state your position, you are an accomplice to fascism”. This draconian sentence may be because of Dadin’s support for Maidan, for Ukraine and Ukrainian prisoners held in Russia
Darya Polyudova gets 2 years for criticising Putin and war in Ukraine
While Ramzan Kadyrov’s open threats against peaceful opponents of the Kremlin get him Putin’s approval and continued leadership of Chechnya, Darya Polyudova is to serve 2 years for criticism of Russia’s war against Ukraine and an attempt to hold a peaceful ‘federalization march’