Abduraimov, author of a scandalous appeal forced to resign
Following the appeal publicly addressed to Russias leaders on 8 September by Vasvi Abduraimov, his Crimean Tartar organization Milli Fyrka [National Party] has announced that they have accepted his resignation, as well as that of the head of the Executive Committee Reshat Ablayev. As reported here, Mr Abduraimov called on Putin and Medvedev, as well as the President of Tatarstan, to protect the Crimean Tatars from the nationalist authorities in Ukraine. The sometimes incredible claims in this appeal, as well as the fact that it had not been agreed, clearly angered his party colleagues. On 15 September the Head of the Supervisory Council of Milli Fyrka Enver Kantemir-Umerov and the Head of the Inspection Commission Talyat Dzheparov signed an official statement that the appeal from Abudaimov did not express the position of the civic organization.
On 16 September a number of other Crimean Tatar organizations issued a statement stressing that while they did not deny cases of ethnic and religious discrimination from the Ukrainian, and especially the Crimean, authorities, they could in no way endorse this appeal. It said that as well as historical reasons for finding an appeal to Russia unacceptable, there was also the support from Russia given to pro-Russian organizations in the peninsula which take a strong anti-Crimean Tatar position.