Morality Commission and maligned writer reach accord
The Kyiv District Administrative Court on 26 November approved an amicable agreement between the National Expert Commission for the Protection of Public Morality [the Commission) and the writer Oles Ulyanenko.
The parties have agreed that the Commission will withdraw its conclusion which found the novel “The Woman of his Dreams” pornographic, while the author will bring the text of the book into line with current legislation by making small literary changes in the text. According to Ulyanenko’s literary agent, Yevheniya Chupryna, certain words have been removed (for example, colloquial words for penis, reaching orgasm) and one sentence changed. The book will also have a new publisher – Treant rather than the Family Leisure Club.
The Head of the Commission, Vasyl Kostytsky told “Telekritika” that he considers the incident over Oles Ulyanenko’s book over and that the Commission is preparing a letter to the publishers in which it notifies of the withdrawal of the conclusion in question.
Award-winning writer Oles Ulyanenko appealed against the decision of the Commission which in February 2009 found his novel “The Woman of his Dreams” pornographic.