Journalist organizations: do not hand out journalist IDs to outsiders
The Journalist Ethics Commission, the National Union of Ukrainian Journalists and the profession association “Independent Media Trade Unions of Ukraine” have issued a statement asking editors and heads of media outlets to not issue professional or freelance journalist IDs to outsiders who are not staff of the given media outlet. They consider that the issue of a large number of blank freelance correspondent IDs could be deemed faking by officials as per Article 366 of the Criminal Code.
“We would point out to colleagues and the public that activists from civic organizations and political parties, business people and any other interested parties who do not work in the media and to whom the rights and duties of a journalist as set out in legislation do not apply, may not present themselves as journalists. Journalists carry out the role of intermediaries in passing on information to the public, while observers are themselves probably the source of information. Furthermore, the presence of a large number of observers registered as journalists at polling stations could obstruct the work of professional journalists, and therefore restrict the right of the public to receive information swiftly.
The three organizations also call on National Deputies to support the draft law tabled by Vasyl Habrylyuk which proposes giving official observer status to observers from civic organizations (reg. No. 5706).
From a report at