Add your voice against glorification of Stalin
Glorification of the tyrant is an attempt to split society
We have learned that the Moscow authorities are planning from April to place as social advertisements, i.e. using public funding, numerous images of Joseph Stalin, linking this with the 65th anniversary of Victory. We consider this to be not only an affront to the memory of the millions of victims of Stalin’s tyranny, but also an act aimed at creating a schism in society.
We can see that more and more often people of very different views are uniting against violations of their rights, against injustice and straight out banditry of the authorities. Thousands of protesters come out on rallies in different parts of the country.
There are ever increasing numbers of people outraged by the insane increase in tariffs, fraudulent dealings with housing and communal reform, not to mention the scandal over the demolition of the Moscow region settlement of “Rechnik”. People with rightwing and leftwing views are uniting in defence of their rights.
We are convinced that, confronted with the true face of the capital’s authorities, Muscovites will not buy such a cheap gimmick as glamorous advertisements of the Generalissimus of the Soviet Union.
Despite half a century of exposing the crimes of Stalin and his regime, literally everyday historians uncover new details of the monstrous crimes of Stalinism.
The truth of what has been exposed has recently been recognized by the courts.
Glorification of Stalin in today’s Moscow is as absurd as trying to imagine the glorification of Nazi leaders in Germany. As for the assertion that unlike Nuremberg, the Stalin regime was not legally condemned, we should recall the following legal norms directly accusing the Stalin regime of genocide and mass-scale terror.
In the first place, there are excerpts from the Judgment of the Constitutional Court on the constitutionality of the RF Presidential Decrees from 23 August 1991 No. 79 “On suspending the activities of the Communist Party of the RSFSR”; from 25 August 1991 No. 90 “On the property of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union [CPSU] and of the Communist Party of the RSFSR”; and from 6 November 1991 No. 169 “On the activities of the CPSU and the CP RSFSR”, as well as on the constitutionality of the CPSU and the CP RSFSR. The case was examined on 26 May; 6-15 June; 20 July – 4 August; 14 September – 23 October; 28 October – 30 November 1992. “…3. For a long period in the country there was a regime of unlimited power based on violence of a small group of communist functionaries united in the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, headed by that body’s General Secretary. … The material of the case, including testimony of witnesses, confirm that the leading bodies of the CPSU were the initiators, and the structures at local level often the implementers of political repression against millions of Soviet people, including deported peoples. This continued for decades …”
Secondly, the Law of RSFSR from 26 April 1991 No. 1107-1 “On the rehabilitation of repressed peoples” (with amendments from 1 July 1993) … Article 1. Rehabilitate all repressed peoples of the RSFSR, recognize as unlawful and criminal repressive acts against these peoples; Article 2. By repressed are meant peoples (nations, nationalities or ethnic groups and other historically formed cultural and ethnic groups of people, for example, the Cossacks) against whom a policy at state level of defamation and genocide was carried out on the basis of their ethnic or other group. This was accompanied by their forced resettlement, the abolition of national State structures, the redefining of national territory borders, and established of a regime of territory and violence in special settlements.”
This is, thirdly, the Law from 18 October 1991 “On the rehabilitation of victims of political repression” (with amendments from 26 June, 22 December 1992, 3 September 1993, 4 November 1995). During the years of Soviet rule millions of people fell victim to the arbitrary rule of the totalitarian State, were subjected to repression for their political and religious convictions, on social, ethnic or other grounds. Condemning the terror over many years and mass persecution of their people as incompatible with the idea of truth and justice, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation expresses its deep sympathy to the victims of unwarranted repression, their family and close ones and affirms its unyielding commitment to seeking real guarantees for ensuring lawfulness and human rights. This Law’s aim is to rehabilitate all victims of political repression who suffered such repression from 25 October (7 November) 1917, restore their civil rights and remove other consequences of arbitrary rule, while ensuring compensation for moral and material damages which is feasible at the present time. … Article 1: By political repression are understood various forms of coercion, applied by the State for political motives, in the form of deprivation of life or liberty, forced treatment in a psychiatric institution, expulsion from the country and being stripped of ones citizenship, resettlement of groups of the population from their homes, sending people into exile, deporting them or sending them to special settlements, forced labour in conditions of restriction of liberty, as well as other deprivation or restriction of the rights and freedoms of people declared socially dangerous to the State or political system on class, social, ethnic, religious or other grounds, carried out by court rulings and other bodies, given court functions, or according to administrative procedure by executive bodies and their officials and public organizations or their bodies given administrative powers”.
By Federal Law from 4 November 1995 No. 166-F3 this Law was supplemented by Article 1.1 which reads: “Children who were together with their parents in places of deprivation of liberty, in exile, deportation, at special settlements are also deemed to have been subjected to political repression and are entitled to rehabilitation”.
This is what will happen if we remain silent! The poster from the Great Patriotic War with Joseph Stalin towering over the spires of Soviet cities is to be one of the glaring images adorning the capital during the days celebrating the 65th anniversary of Victory.
The list of well-known human rights defenders, writers, journalists, political figures, economists and many concerned individuals is too long to translate. Part of it can be seen under the appeal here:
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