Kharkiv public expose the authorities’ fabrication regarding the road through Gorky Park
With the help of concerned members of the public, the Internet publication Glavnoye has pieced together the evolution of the plan for a road through Gorky Park in Kharkiv over the last six years. The most crucial piece of information is that the road is not, as claimed, marked out on the General Plan of the City up till 2026, approved by the Kharkiv City Council on 23.08.2004 (No. 24-22).
The plan to build the road in the part of Gorky Park where mass tree felling has been taking place for the last 11 days was presented by the city authorities in 2007. This plan had nothing to do with previous plans for city roads aimed at easing the traffic load, and was more a “sport and recreation complex with access routes”.
The publication also reports that with this new road of 1300 metres (the figure being cited by the plan’s author Tatyana Polivanova at a working meeting of the City Council), one metre of constructed road will cost 23 thousand UAH.
“Is this not too high a price for Kharkiv residents to pay for a short road which destroys the Central Park of the city, places in danger passengers of the Children’s Railway, to end up at a factory? “
From a report at (where the plans can be viewed)