Mistakes with judicial reform could cost the country dear
Ihor Koliuszko from the Centre for Political and Legal Reform is critical of the statement made by Oleksandr Yefremov, one of the leaders of the Party of the Regions. The latter claimed that it was not expedient to send the law on judicial reform to the Council of Europe Venice Commission, that if all bills got sent there, it would take several years to get a law passed. He also said: “we should orient ourselves on world experience, including European, however some word from abroad must not become dogma”.
Mr Koliushko aggress that not all laws need to be sent to the Venice Commission, but judicial reform is very important and mistakes with it can cost a great deal.
As reported here, both a current and a former Co-Rapporteur for the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe have recently stressed the need for the law to be sent to the Venice Commission.
Mr Koliushko sees many positive aspects to the draft law submitted by President Yanukovych, not least in the appearance of a comprehensive law to regulate the organization of court bodies and the status of judges.
At the same time he cites a number of negative innovations which he believes are aimed at subordinating the judiciary to political bodies. He was critical of giving excessive powers to the High Council of Justice, the diminishing of the role of the Supreme Court and the defencelessness of judges before the High Qualifying Commission.
From a text at http://dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,5691448,00.html