SBU claims that historian wanted to pass on State secrets
The Press Service of the SBU [Security Service] has issued a statement asserting that the historian Ruslan Zabily is an SBU employee and was detained for 14 and a half hours on Wednesday (cf. for planning to divulge State secrets.
“The SBU has initiated a criminal investigation over divulgence by an SBU employee of information which is a State secret”.
“It has been ascertained that SBU employee R.V. Zabily collected information which constitutes a State secret without authority in order to pass it to a third party”, the Press Service claims. It also states that Mr Zabily was detained on his arrival in Kyiv from Lviv with this information.
“At the present time the circle of people for whom the said information was intended is being ascertained.”
Reported at: (the SBU report gives Mr Zabily’s first name as Roman)