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Analysis of the human rights situation in Ukraine
Human rights in Ukraine – 2004. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2005. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2006. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2007. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2008. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2009 – 2010. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2011. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2012. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2013. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2014. Human rights organizations’ report
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war crimes in Ukraine
The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.
• Topics / War crimes
Russians demanded ransom from 18-year-old Ukrainian POW’s mother as ‘reason’ to not kill him
Oleksiy Novikov was just 18 when seized by the Russian invaders of his native Mariupol. He remains imprisoned, with the Russians blocking any access to him, or other Ukrainian POWs and civilian hostages
Putin grants Russian citizenship to suspected Bosnian Serb war criminal, pardons serial killer to fight against Ukraine
Putin’s contempt for international law is nothing new, but his decisions on granting citizenship and pardons to men either accused with strong grounds of atrocities or convicted are still staggering
Children illegally taken from Russian-occupied Ukraine to ‘train’ with army in Belarus
The Lukashenka regime is actively collaborating with Russia in illegally deporting Ukrainian children and subjecting them to so-called ‘re-education’ and, often, military training
Russia sentences soldier for admitting to war crimes in Ukraine and now prosecutes journalist who reported them
Although at least 20 Russians are serving long sentences for telling the truth about Russia’s war against Ukraine, sentences in this case would be for admitting to war crimes or reporting such an admission
Russia uses fake ‘court’ in occupied Kherson oblast for lawless ‘trial’ of Crimean Tatar
Eldar Kestan is the latest of well over 30 Ukrainian citizens whom Russia has accused of legal activities on Ukrainian territory, and has often used torture against
Putin signs decree simplifying Russia’s criminal abduction of children from occupied Ukraine
There is every reason for the International Criminal Court to react and not only because Putin is once again directly abetting Russia’s genocidal forced transfer of Ukrainian children to the aggressor state
Medical terrorism: Russia blocks access to healthcare to foist its citizenship and overcome resistance in occupied Ukraine
Russia is using access to healthcare as a weapon to foist its citizenship in occupied Ukraine, while also terrorizing medics and appropriating hospitals and medication for treating the invading forces
Ukraine sentences ‘chief butcher’ of Russian-controlled Izolyatsia secret torture prison to 15 years
Denys Kulykovsky (‘Palych’] answered to Russia’s FSB, but he himself both gave orders to torture Ukrainian hostages at Izolyatsia and took part in such torture
Convicted killers that Putin pardoned and glorifies for fighting Russia’s war against Ukraine teach children about ‘courage’
Russia’s attempts to justify its war of aggression against Ukraine are not helped by the convicted killers and rapists, and likely war criminals that Putin is labelling Russian ‘heroes’
Russia ‘retries’ Ukrainian doctor abducted, tortured and imprisoned for six years in occupied Donbas
Yury Shapovalov is one of many Ukrainians savagely tortured at the Izolyatsia secret prison in Donetsk for his pro-Ukrainian posts on Twitter
Children from occupied Ukraine enlisted in paramilitary ‘Youth Army’ to learn to ‘fight for Russia’
Russia makes a habit of glorifying criminals, mercenaries and traitors, with its latest machine for brainwashing Ukrainian children into wanting to ‘defend’ the aggressor state named after Kyrylo Stremousov
Russia refuses to return bodies of Ukrainian teenagers it killed in occupied Berdiansk
If Russia’s claims about the killing of 16-year-old Tihran Ohannisian and Mykyta Khanhanov were true, there would be no reason to hide their bodies, as they have been doing for six months
New evidence of Russia killing Ukrainian prisoners of war in cold blood
More and more video footage is emerging of Russian extrajudicial executions of Ukrainian prisoners of war, as well as other war crimes
Mariupol teenagers in danger of forced mobilization to fight Russia’s war against Ukraine
Russia is compounding the war crime it is committing against Ukrainians through its mobilization of civilians by targeting 17-year-olds
From killing, torture and plunder in Ukraine to teaching ‘patriotism’ in occupied Crimea and Russia
Russia is using men sent to fight its war against Ukraine to teach ‘patriotism’ and a wish to ‘defend’ the invading state on occupied Ukrainian territory
15-year sentence demanded for ‘butcher’ of Izolyatsia secret prison in Russian-occupied Donetsk
The trial of Denys Kulykovsky, or 'Palych' over his role at the Izolyatsia concentration camp in occupied Donetsk is a vital test for Ukraine and evidence of systematic use of torture in occupied territory since 2014
Nine Azov Regiment prisoners of war sentenced by fake Russian court to 25 years for defending Ukraine
Russia’s attempts to rewrite their most heinous crimes in Mariupol are resulting in this terrifying and deeply cynical conveyor belt of farcical ‘trials’
Russia passes breathtakingly lawless 18-year sentence against Ukrainian POW defending Mariupol
The only ‘evidence’ for insane changes that try to rewrite historical fact comes from Anton Baidrakov’s videoed ‘confession’ visibly obtained through torture
Ukraine launches war crimes probe after Russians use Ukrainian POWs as human shields
Russia has systematically used Ukrainians as human shields since its invasion of Crimea in 2022, with all such behaviour identified by the International Criminal Court as a war crime
Door-to-door terror in occupied Ukraine as Russia about to classify Ukrainians as ‘foreigners’, likely rob and deport them
Russia is using armed Russian soldiers, threats of deportation and pressure on employers before claiming from 1 January 2024 that it is Ukrainians, nor the aggressor state, that are ‘foreign nationals’ on Ukrainian territory