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Analysis of the human rights situation in Ukraine
Human rights in Ukraine – 2004. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2005. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2006. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2007. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2008. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2009 – 2010. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2011. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2012. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2013. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2014. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights and civil society
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Political persecution in modern Ukraine
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“Prava Ludiny” (human rights) monthly bulletin
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war crimes in Ukraine
The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.
• Topics / War crimes
Kherson doctor killed in latest of almost one thousand Russian attacks on Ukraine’s healthcare system
Russia has carried out almost one thousand attacks on Ukraine’s healthcare system, with many of the hospitals probably targeted deliberately – a clear war crime
Ukrainian children in occupied Crimea will be forced to learn how to ‘defend’ Russia in its war against Ukraine
Russia’s methods at militarizing school and pushing children to want to fight and die for the aggressor state are becoming dangerously systematic
Russia is illegally imprisoning over 500 Ukrainian medics in horrific conditions
Marianna Mamonova was finally released, after six months in captivity, just in time for the birth of her baby. Very many others remain imprisoned
Ukrainian priest stripped, detained and persecuted for praying for Ukraine and refusing to collaborate with the Russian invaders
While bringing terror and repression to occupied Prymorsk, the Russians forced Father Volodymyr to endure ‘lectures’ claiming that Ukraine does not exist and that they should be happy to be ‘liberated’
UN dismisses Russia’s attempt to blame Ukraine for the deliberate killing of over 50 Ukrainian POWs at Olenivka
Russia has also blocked international investigation and a new human rights group report has found more evidence that the killings were planned, together with the target - POWs from the Azov Regiment who had, until May 2022, been defending Mariupol
UNESCO and journalist union ‘deplore death’ of a propagandist engaged in Russia’s war against Ukraine
Rostislav Zhuravlev was actively involved, from 2014, in Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and was killed on occupied Ukrainian territory working for the Russian state-controlled RIA Novosti
Russian Orthodox church repeats Kremlin lies about its barbaric bombing of Odesa Cathedral and city centre
“I saw that the Russian missile that you blessed had struck right in the altar, the holiest of places”.. It is not only Odesa Archbishop Viktor who is appalled by the support Moscow patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) is giving to Russia’s war against Ukraine
Russia fabricates idiotic language motive for first trial and likely huge sentence against Ukrainian PoW
This is the first of many ‘trials’ of Ukrainian PoWs held in Russian captivity and almost certainly tortured for propaganda and fabricated charges
Belarus Red Cross abet Russia in kidnapping and brainwashing children from Ukraine
Ukraine has called on the International Criminal Court to issue an arrest warrant against Dzmitry Shautsou, head of the Belarusian Red Cross with the latter’s activities warranting intervention by the International Committee of the Red Cross
Mother of two abducted from Melitopol, tortured and held prisoner in Moscow
How do you explain to children that the Russians who invaded your home are holding your mother prisoner and calling her a ‘terrorist’?
Russians torture imprisoned 75-year-old Spanish volunteer seized in occupied Kherson
Russia only admitted to holding Mariano Garcia Calatayud prisoner in occupied Crimea after information became available about his whereabouts and the torture he had been subjected to
Russia hides new crimes committed by convicted prisoners pardoned by Putin for killing in Ukraine
While sentencing political prisoners to 20 years, Russia releases multiple killers, armed robbers, etc. to fight in Ukraine and then sends them home to continue killing, raping and robbing with violence there
At least one Ukrainian from Kherson oblast dead after invaders refuse healthcare without Russian passport
The Ukrainian living in his own home on Ukrainian territory would probably still be alive had he not been refused healthcare because he hadn’t adopted the invading power’s citizenship
Russia abducts Ukrainian from Berdiansk and tortures out ‘confession’ for insane ‘international terrorism trial’
Vitaliy Rastorhuev would not voluntarily have used Putin’s euphemism for Russia’s war against Ukraine, nor could he have spontaneously adapted his ‘confession’ to fit surreal FSB charges
Russia sentences Ukrainians to over 20 years for partisan attack on Kherson collaborator
Yuriy Domanchuk and Vitaliy Skakun were seized by the Russian invaders and illegally ‘tried’ under Russian law for allegedly trying to kill a Ukrainian traitor on Ukrainian territory
Russia has been mercilessly tormenting 23-year-old Marianna Checheliuk from Mariupol for over a year
Marianna Checheliuk has been held prisoner by the Russians for well over a year, with her family disillusioned that the assurances given by the UN and Red Cross
Majority of Ukrainians say reconciliation with Russia is impossible and reject any territorial concessions
An absolute majority of Ukrainians now see reconciliation with Russia as impossible in their lifetime and would not agree to any territorial concessions ‘for the sake of peace’
Crucial step taken to ensuring Russia answers for its crime of aggression against Ukraine
The work of the new International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine should help to bring Russia, and its leaders to account for the most egregious crimes committed in Ukraine.
Nearly 1200 Ukrainian children abducted to Russia and placed with Russian families
Russia is deporting children without making any real effort to find out if the children have families, and is almost openly seeking to forcibly turn them into ‘Russian citizens’
Ukrainians may be put in camps and deported as ‘foreigners’ from Russian-occupied Donbas
After virtually razing Mariupol and other cities in occupied Donbas to the ground, Russia is escalating terror and threats of deportation to try to force surviving residents to accept Russian citizenship