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Analysis of the human rights situation in Ukraine
Human rights in Ukraine – 2004. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2005. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2006. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2007. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2008. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2009 – 2010. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2011. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2012. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2013. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2014. Human rights organizations’ report
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war crimes in Ukraine
The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.
• Topics / War crimes
Courageous Ukrainian journalist Victoria Roshchyna feared seized by Russian invaders
19.03.2022 journalist Victoria Roshchyna has not been seen since 12 March, and it is feared that she has been seized by the Russians who have invaded and seized control of Berdiansk in the Zaporizhya oblast.
Five members of a family and people queuing for bread killed by Russian bombing of Chernihiv
The victims also included ten residents of an ordinary Chernihiv suburb who were killed by the enemy while standing in a queue for bread
Russia responds to International Court order to stop bombing Ukraine by destroying Mariupol Theatre sheltering families
Russia has bombed the Donetsk Regional Drama of Theatre, a vital cultural centre in Mariupol until Russia’s invasion turned it into a believed shelter for over a thousand civilians, most of them women and children (Updated information)
Russian invaders take Mariupol intensive care hospital and its patients hostage
Russian invading forces are preventing the staff and patients of the Regional Intensive Care Hospital in Mariupol from leaving the hospital and, according to one witness, have seized the hospital and are using those inside as living shields.
‘International institutions must protect Ukrainians from abductions and executions’, Ukrainian SCOs
Mass graves of the Ukrainian civilians Russia claims it is not killing
Those who believe that only Putin and his immediate circle are to blame for this war and the atrocities being committed would do well to consider how many Russians are directly involved in the killing and / or maintaining the lies
Terror and abductions as Russia tries to break Ukrainian resistance in Kherson and other occupied cities
Invading Russian forces have seized a second Ukrainian mayor, as well as the head of a regional council in Melitopol, and a civic activist organizing information self-defence in occupied Nova Kakhovka.
Ukrainian journalist Oleh Baturin feared abducted by Russian invaders in Kherson oblast
The disappearance of Oleh Baturin comes as Russia appears to be planning to stage a farcical ‘referendum’ and to concoct a so-called ‘Kherson people’s republic’
Mayor of Melitopol Ivan Fedorov abducted after refusing to collaborate with the Russian invaders
Updated The abduction of Ivan Fedorov comes a day after Russian soldiers burst into the Melitopol home of Leila Ibrahimova, a Crimean Tatar and Deputy Head of the Zaporizhya Regional Council, and took her away
Russian priest arrested and prosecuted for sermon opposing Russia’s war against Ukraine
A court in the Kostroma region of Russia has imposed a fairly heavy fine on Father Ioann Burdin, a Russian Orthodox priest who was detained after giving an anti-war sermon on Sunday, 6 March
Russia effectively admits it deliberately bombed the maternity hospital in Mariupol that killed three patients, including a child
Three patients were killed in Russia’s bombing on 9 March of a children’s hospital and maternity hospital in Mariupol
Russia brings grotesque propaganda to Berdiansk after Ukrainian journalists refuse to collaborate
A day after Russian invaders held a large number of Ukrainian journalists hostage, trying in vain to get them to collaborate, the occupying forces in Berdiansk have come up with stunningly feeble propaganda to try to justify their invasion
Russia installs its propaganda TV after seizing Kherson and imposes 15-year sentences for reporting its invasion of Ukraine
Russia has effectively silenced all sources of objective information about its war against Ukraine at home, and is swiftly moving to seize control of the media where it has seized Ukrainian cities
Babyn Yar bombed by Russia, 80 years after Nazi Massacre of Ukrainian Jews
In its bombing of civilian targets in Kyiv and Kharkiv, Russia has also hit Babyn Yar, the site of one of the worst Nazi massacres of the Holocaust
Russia proposes 15-year sentences and threatens 'treason charges' for telling the truth about its war crimes in Ukraine
It is clear from the regime’s ban on words like ‘invasion’; ‘war’ and ‘aggression’ that this is one of several weapons being deployed to prevent people in Russia from learning about the crimes the regime is committing
Russian schoolchildren told that Russia is bombing and killing Ukrainian children in ‘self-defence’
While bombing residential areas throughout Ukraine and killing civilians, the Russian regime is sending instructions to Russian schools on how to present such war crimes as “self-defence” and "a peacekeeping operation"
Putin miscalculated. Russia is fighting “an army of 40 million Ukrainians”
Judging by Putin’s deranged call on the Ukrainian Army to abandon their posts, he appears to have seriously miscalculated whom he was dealing with in Ukraine
Chief Rabbi of Ukraine demolishes Putin’s excuse for Russia’s invasion
There have been powerful messages of solidarity from the Chief Mufti of Ukraine and the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, but it is the statement from Ukraine’s Chief Rabbi that most exposes the lies Russia is telling to try to justify its invasion
Russia bombs a Ukrainian kindergarten and apartments in its war against independent Ukraine
Russia has bombed a kindergarten as well as residential areas, and is committing other war crimes in its deranged attack on independent Ukraine
Putin will continue attacking until Russia is stopped. Help Ukraine defend its freedom today!
Vladimir Putin has initiated an invasion of all of Ukraine and he will not stop there if allowed to succeed