Kyiv Administration proposes new restrictions on peaceful assembly
Draft Regulations posted on the official website of the Kyiv City State Administration would restrict the right to hold public events near State institutions.
Item 11.2 states that the Administration will prohibit any events near buildings “in which State bodies of power and bodies of local self-government are housed”. They would have to be no less than 100 metres away from such institutions, unless otherwise envisaged by decisions from those bodies or in specially designated places.
Item 11.4 prohibits the erection of “small architectural forms”, these including tents, widely used during peaceful protests.
The ban applies to actions planned in the same place and same time as city and State events.
The Kyiv Administration also proposes introduces a norm for taking public opinion into account, referring to which an event can be permitted or prohibited. The City Administration should also study the results of public opinion surveys.
In addition, there is a considerably expanded list of documents needed for submitting an application to hold a meeting. According to the Regulations, the application (which should in fact be notification since according to the Constitution no permission is required – translator) must contain the subject, name, purpose, content etc of the event.
The Kyiv City Administration would also have the right to send, without agreeing this with the organizers, an assessor who will follow the running of the event.
Comments and proposals will be accepted until 12 October.