Gongadze lawyer: Pukach ordered surveillance documents destroyed
According to one of the lawyers representing victims in the trial of former Police General Oleksy Pukach accused in connection with the murder of the journalist in 2000, Pukach issued orders to destroy documents from the surveillance carried out of the journalist.
This was apparently stated on Monday by a former employee of the relevant police department during the latest hearing into the case, all of which are being held behind closed doors.
The witness stated that he had told the management that this was unlawful and said he presumed they were destroyed to hide the traces since by that stage it was known to officials within the Ministry of Internal Affairs that the Prosecutor General’s Office was interested in these documents.
The investigators assert that Pukach carried out the murder of Gerorgy Gongadze on the instructions of the former Minister of Internal Affairs (who is understood to have “committed suicide” with two gunshot wounds to the head in early 2005).
From a report at http://interfax.com.ua/rus/main/103421/