Human Rights in Offside
A human rights exhibition entitled “Human Rights Offside” is to be held to mark the Euro 2012 Championship. It will present an overview of infringements of fundamental human rights in Ukraine over the last two years. Through a mixture of visual means the exhibition will develop awareness of the following areas:
Freedom of peaceful assembly;
Torture and ill-treatment;
Persecution on ideological grounds and freedom of speech;
Selective justice and political repression;
Poverty and social inequality.
The main organizers are the Centre for Civil Liberties in partnership with the Czech organization “People in Need”, and with financial support from the NGO Lifeline. Information support is being provided by the Centre for Human Rights Information.
The exhibition will be unveiled on 8 June in Kyiv and open to the public until 10 June. There will also be open air exhibitions on the eve of the football matches in Lviv on 12 June; Kharkiv – 16 June and Donetsk – 22 June.
The National Human Rights Team presently includes: the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union; the Kharkiv Human Rights Group; the Kharkiv Youth Human Rights Group; the Association of Ukrainian Human Rights Monitors of Law Enforcement Agencies; the Leva Society; the Sim Centre for Legal and Political Research; Donetsk Memorial; the Donetsk Regional Branch of the Committee of Voters of Ukraine, and others.