State-run UTV-1 breaks all records for commissioned reporting
Telekritika’s regular monitoring of news programmes of national television channels has found that in the first week of July the State-owned First National TV Channel [UTV-1] earned an ignominious first with 51 news items which bore the hallmarks of commissioned reporting.
The main channels: in terms of numbers of commissioned news items
Inter 38
TRC Ukraina 30
1 + 1 28
STB 23
5 Kanal 23
Novy Kanal 18
The overall number of such commissioned items broke all records for the last half year. A considerable number of such items involved coverage of events linked with the adoption of the controversial language bill.
There was also a sharp increase in the number of topics which channels muffled. This the monitors believe was also linked with increased political activity again connected with the language law.
There are much the same trends with regard to muffled subjects on the channels, with the most subjects studiously ignored on UTV-1.
UTV-1 213
Inter 197
Novy Kanal 191
TRC Ukraina 191
STB 188
1 + 1 184
5 Kanal 177
The kind of subjects muffled included: the hunger strikers on the steps of Ukraine House who prevented Yanukovych giving an address there on 3 July;
The number of protest actions breaking all records;
Report by Reporters without Borders on a sharp worsening in freedom of speech in Ukraine;
Other reports linked with freedom of speech;
TVi being taken off air and others.