OPORA takes secretive Verkhovna Rada Office to court
The Verkhovna Rada has refused to publish information about the officials working for the Office of the VRU and indicate how much they earn. It claims that this is an internal document which does not need to be published. The civic network OPORA has lodged a civil suit asking the court to find the refusal unlawful and to force them to provide the information.
OPORA’s letter of 27 March asked for a copy of the staffing list for the VRU Office including all its structural divisions, and the salaries paid. The reply stated that “a staffing list is an internal organizational document which does not have to be divulged in response to an information request. “
In fact just over a year ago, in January 2012 the District Administrative Court in Kyiv considered an identical case over a refusal from the Justice Ministry to provide the same information about specific departments within the Ministry.
The suit was allowed, and the Justice Ministry even lost the cassation appeal.
The hearing into the new suit is expected on 26 April.
From a report at OPORA http://oporaua.org/news/3770-aparat-verhovnoji-rady-pryhovuje-shtatnyj-rozpys