Most Ukrainians believe President exerts influence on the courts
According to a survey carried out by the Razumkov Centre, an overwhelming majority of Ukrainians (69.4%) consider that President Yanukovych exerts personal influence on the courts and the activities of the law enforcement the cases of Yulia Tymoshenko and Yury Lutsenko.
This view was held by a large majority in the West, Central and Eastern regions of the country, and a relative majority in the South. .
69.4% of those surveyed were positive about the pardon issued to former Interior Minister Yury Lutsenko and his release. In this case there was a majority in all regions and from all political parties.
53.7% believe that the release was due to pressure from the international community;
18.4% consider that it was due to public pressure in Ukraine;
14.7% said that it was the President’s good will.
A majority in all regions and among supporters of all parties saw it linked to pressure from the international community.
With respect to the impact of Lutsenko’s release on the opposition, 38.6% believed it would have no impact; 31.5% said that it would strengthen its impact.
The survey was carried out from 12 to 16 April.