war crimes in Ukraine

The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.

Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group. ANNUAL REPORT 2013



1. Summary 

2. KHPG organisational development

3. Defence of victims of human rights violations in specific cases

4. Strategic litigations. Development of the of the KHPG SLC                

5. Activity against political persecutions

6. Activity against torture and ill-treatment

7. Strengthening juvenile justice system (fight against torture and ill treatment of children)

8. Monitoring and defence of freedom of expression and of the right to privacy      

9. Monitoring and Analysing Hate Crime in Ukraine

10. Providing Information on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in Ukraine, civil education and aware-raising activities

11. Monitoring implementation of decisions of international bodies

12. Studies of history of human rights movement in USSR and Ukraine and history of political repression in USSR 

13. KHPG participation in the Euromaidan’s events 

Appendix. List of the grants



In 2013 the Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (hereinafter, the Kharkiv Group or KHPG) continued to work in three directions:

· legal enlightenment and popularisation of law-protecting ideas;

· analysis of the status of human rights in Ukraine;

· help to citizens whose rights were abused, public investigations of facts of violating human rights.

In 2013 one of the most important directions of KHPG activities was prevention of torture and ill-treatment. It includes analytical, law-making and lobbying activities, awareness-raising and educational activities, as well as development of a system of legal aid for victims of tortures and development and strengthening a network for preventing torture. So, KHPG experts conduct analysis of national legislation, drafts law and practice on regular basis. Our experts took part in preparing and discussing draft law of the Criminal Procedural Code, internal normative acts of the State Penitentiary Service, and draft law on National Preventing Mechanisms (NPM).  KHPG’s experts were preparing constantly updated review of the relevant ECtHR case-law. We created quite strong working connections between regional human rights NGOs and lawyers in order to investigate torture cases. Members of the partners and other human rights organisations have extended advisory aid to the citizens, conducted public investigations within their competence and extended aid by professional lawyers cooperating with their organisations. We have provided consultation and help to 65 victims of torture and ill-treatment.

KHPG Public Reception Office (PRO) for people, whose rights were abused, worked actively. Along with 2013 KHPG received 2867 written complaints about the violation of human rights by state bodies. Additionally KHPG lawyers received 2159 written complaints from drug users  and people living HIV/AIDS.

We have carried out legal assistance within the framework of the activity of the KHPG Strategic Litigations Centre (SLC) in 101 strategic litigations, including 61 own initiated and 40 picked up on the court level. 9 cases in the ECtHR have been won. SLC lawyers drew up and submitted 24 new applications to the ECtHR and 4 applications according to the Rule 39 of the Rules of the Court. 15 communications with the ECtHR have been prepared. 11 cases have been won in the national courts. In total, 45 strategic cases are considered in the national courts (33 new cases, 12 cases from 2012).

In 2013 KHPG continued to develop law and practice concerning access to information, in particular access to archives. KHPG also continued a campaign against xenophobia and discrimination in Ukraine. In addition, we continued research of the history of dissident movement in Ukraine, preparation and publication of the books on this theme as well as developed physical and electronic archive on the history of dissident movement in Ukraine. One of the most important directions of activities was dissemination of information about human rights violations, activities of the Group and members of the network as well as education of professional groups. It was run through KHPG portal «Human Rights in Ukraine» included Ukrainian, Russian and English versions and other KHPG WEB-resources. In 201e we also conducted many educational events.

In 2013 KHPG pay a big attention to organisational development.

Total expenditures of the Group were 7 468 100 UAH. Please, see list of donors in the Appendix.


2. KHPG organisational development

In 2011 a systemic audit of KHPG work was carried out by the Sweden Developments Agency (SDA). Its conclusions and recommendations were used to develop a plan of improvement of KHPG management system up to 2015..

KHPG has created the Strategic Plan for 2012-2015 and the SMART-measured Results Assessment Framework (RAF). In accordance with the SDA recommendations KHPG has changed the composition of its governing bodies and management. A new KHPG Statute has been prepared. The main Statute’s organ is the General Assembly, which meets at least once a year. The General Assembly elects the Board and Chair of the Board, approves the policies of the organization, its annual budget, the reports of the Board and Director, annual financial report and balance. Main governing body is KHPG Board which defines main directions of organization activity and makes key decisions on its development. KHPG Board meets at least once in three months. KHPG Board appoints a Director who is in charge of implementation of Board decisions and efficient day-to-day organization work and management. KHPG Director carefully maintains and stores its financial records and strictly follows all accounting norms and reporting procedures for each project and for the organization as a whole. It was confirmed by regular audits and checks which were undertaken by our donors or their designated representatives.

On 31 October, 2013 KHPG has re-built its internal system and implemented all 40 recommendations of the SDA recommendations. KHPG has created a new Statute and the following management documents:

a) Rules & procedures, plans, meeting schedules and standard meeting agendas for all governing bodies;

b) Job description for the position of Director;

c) Delegation order from the Council to the Director;

d) Financial policy and procedures;

e) Procurement policy;

f) Fraud policy;

g) Attestation policy and procedures;

h) System for procuring, contracting, performing and responding to external audits;

 i) Regulation on internal audit;

 j) Communications strategy;

k) Fundraising strategy;

l) Staff manual;

m) Detailed job description for all staff;

n) Staffing plan and process for evaluating job performance and identifying capacity building needs;

o) Attesting rules;

p) Rules of processing and protection of personal data in the KHPG databases;

q) Project management methodology;

r) Regulation on the System of Monitoring and Evaluation;

s) Regulation on the System of Risk Management; and

t) Operation Manual.

These documents are implemented into day-to-day KHPG activities.

In 2012 KHPG has implemented accounting software system «Terminal+» serving the information needs of both donors and the government. All book-keeper accounting needs realizes through this system now. In 2013 KHPG staff has spreaded its action to management project accounting.

In February 2014 KHPG successfully conducted an international audit for 2013 by the LLC «Audit and Consulting Group “Compass”».

Since July 2013 KHPG staff and experts communicate each other throup internal KHPG mailing list making on Google group.

In 2013 average salaries of the staff increased more than two times in comparison with 2012.  Now it is 5742 UAH. Each staff member of KHPG has an individual career development plan including career goals and increases own potential through training and education. All 17 staff members took part in 30 educational events, including 7 events abroad with working language English. Since 1 October all staff studies English twice a week (1.5 hours). There are three groups in depending on level of English.


3. Defence of victims of human rights violations in specific cases

In 2013 number of full-time workers in the KHPG PRO is increased from 4 to 6. As a result, number of prepared law suits, participation in the courts proceedings for defence of interests of victims of human rights violations and number of applications to the ECtHR are essentially increased.

In 2013 KHPG has provided consultation and help to 5026 victims of human rights violations (2867 through PRO, 2159 – to drug users  and people living HIV/AIDS). There were 421 complaints to actions of law-enforcing agencies (65 among them were victims of torture and/or ill-treatment), 556 complaints on violation of the right to health protection and medical care and 1513 complaints on violations of right to social protection, right to property, right to housing.

59 cases for individuals on human rights violations have been considered through mediation/negotiation. 32 cases have successfully been won.

Lawyers of the KHPG PRO prepared 85 legal suits (including 45 suits to the courts) and participated in the 25 court processes. 23 court cases have been won. In addition, they have prepared 87 applications to the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). 5 cases in the ECtHR have been won. Two cases are on the stage of communication.

Results of assistance to drug users and people living HIV/AIDS are as follows. KHPG lawyers participated in the 58 court processes. 38 court cases have been won. 136 cases for individuals on human rights violations have considered through mediation/negotiation. Great part of these cases has successfully been finished.

KHPG PRO has provided various consultations and help that can be summarized as follows:


Provided help



316 (11%)


1543  (53.8%)

Repeated consultation

601 (32.2%)


59 (2.1%)

Assistance in the preparation of procedural documents

85 (3%)

Preparation of law suits

45 (1.6%)

Representation in the court

25 (1.3%)

Inquire on behalf of the applicant

48 (1.7%)

Preparation of the application to European court

87 (3%)

Transference to another organization

13 (0.4%)

Conduction of campaign


Rendering the literature

5 (0.2%)


17 (0.6%)

Remained without reply



22  (0.8%)




4. Strategic litigations. Development of the of the KHPG SLC

The KHPG legal officers provided assistance and representation in national and international court proceedings of victims of human rights violations in 101 strategic litigations, including 61 own initiated and 40 picked up on the court level. 9 cases in the ECtHR have been won. SLC lawyers drew up and submitted 24 new applications to the ECtHR and 4 applications according to the Rule 39 of the Rules of the Court. 15 communications with the ECtHR have been prepared. 11 cases have been won in the national courts. In total, 45 strategic cases are considered in the national courts (33 new cases, 12 cases from 2012).


5. Activity against political persecutions

KHPG continued to defend human rights and democratic values in concrete cases of political persecutions and to protest against the actions of the government, violating human rights and fundamental freedoms of expression, gatherings, assemblies, movement, and so on. KHPG experts analysed actions of the authorities, first of all, the Ministry of Interior and its regional departments, General Prosecutor Office and regional prosecutor offices, Security Service of Ukraine, State Penitentiary Service and its regional departments, courts and commented on them on its website and in other media. KHPG was also preparing statements, petitions and protest actions, distributing information about events and the actions of civil society through press conferences and other promotional campaigns.

The most laud political cases of former Prime Minister Julia Timoshenko and former Ministry of Interiors Yuri Lutsenko were continued to be subject of struggle power and opposition. There were many brutal violations during these court trials. KHPG experts commented actions of the power, the cases of Timoshenko and Lutsenko in national courts and the European Court of Human Rights as well as judgments of the European Court in these cases. Assessment of these cases by the U.S. and European institutions as well as Western politicians essentially based on KHPG experts’ comments, statements and conclusions. KHPG also appealed to President with petitions on clemency of Lutsenko and Timoshenko.

In 2013 the persecutions of the most vulnerable groups, i.e. human rights’ and public activists,  journalists and politicians, continued and gained momentum; therefore, the human rights organisations continued the monitoring of the political persecutions[1] (we links to the English version of the monitoring).


6. Activity against torture and ill-treatment

Analytical, research, law-making and lobbying activities. On permanent basis, we have maintained the following analytical work:

monitoring Parliament’s legislative work;

studying international documents and monitoring the practice of international bodies;

preparing draft laws,

preparing and/or providing consultation on preparing by-law;

giving expert opinions on draft laws, administrative practice and drawing up recommendations;

discussing models for NPM, based around their advantages and disadvantages;

cooperating with UN Committee against torture, its SPT and CPT and other Council of Europe institutions;

monitoring of the ECtHR judgment enforcement.

During our activities, we have co-operated with the Ombudsman’s office and Ministry of Justice, in particular with a special department therein – the Office of the Governmental Agent in the European Convention on Human Rights in order to use the mechanisms created by the law «On the enforcement of the judgments and use of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights» to exert influence on legislative and norm creating activity of ministries and departments.

KHPG experts has prepared a shadow report to the Sixth periodic report of the Government on fulfilment of the UN Convention against torture in Ukraine in Russian and English and a shadow report to the list of issues for the Seventh periodic report on implementations of the International Covenant on civil and political rights in Russian and English. 

We have also taken part in drawing up other elements of the legal system, which are important for preventing torture, for example, participated in preparation of a draft a new law on prosecution. We also conducted in-depth analysis of the Criminal Punishment Execution Code and other related legislation from the prospect of rights and security of the prisoners and detainees.

KHPG experts have prepared drafts of amendments to law on prosecution, Executive-Criminal Code, a new draft of Rules on the Presidential Commission on clemency. Our experts also took part in preparing and discussing internal normative acts of the Penitentiary Service. They studied conditions of the custody of life prisoners and made detailed analysis of three cases of life prisoners with very dubious verdicts. Than they considered a problem of impossibility of a new considering such cases. 

We have also participated in creation of Free Legal Aid System and related regulation, in drafting amendments to information laws in order to agree these laws with the Law on Access to Public Information and laws combating discrimination, xenophobia and hate crimes.

We have regularly taken part in developing recommendations on orders, instructions and other of the MIA and State Penitentiary Service (SPtS), and now – of the Ministry of Justice, as a body directing an activity of the SPtS.

Also we have continued to prepare commentaries for publication on the compliance of national legislation and practice to international and regional standards of human rights protection. These commentaries are based both on theoretical studies, and on specific cases, the results of monitoring and reports from other human rights organizations. The SLC work has allowed us to gather detailed information about not only facts of torture and ill-treatment, but also about the real functioning of system for prevention of ill-treatment, available remedies and their operating. The information collected by the KHPG PRO and SLC was also indispensable for drafting efficient amendments to legislation and well-grounded lobbying for changes through public pressure campaigns and other forms of awareness-raising activity.

Development and strengthening a network for preventing torture. We developed quite strong working connections between regional human rights NGOs, journalists and lawyers in order to inform on and investigate of ill-treatment cases. Members of the network have extended advisory aid to the citizens, conducted public investigations within their competence and extended aid by professional lawyers cooperating with KHPG. The regional partners in co-operation with lawyers collected information on facts of torture and ill-treatment from different sources (regional mass media, personal complaints to the public reception offices (PROs), official data etc.) and provide various forms of legal assistance to victims. The PROs were in constant contact with the staff of the KHPG SLC with the aim to exchange information and knowledge, to elaborate the strategy of the case and adjust existing recourses to the needs of particular case. The KHPG also advised to partners in question, pass them educational materials.

The reports sent by the network partners were collected, generalised, and published in the specialised KHPG’s site «Proty Katuvan» (Against Torture) and KHPG portal «Human Rights in Ukraine». The specialised site «Against torture». for victims of torture and ill-treatment. It is hosted on the popular civil society portal For calling website it is necessary to tape The website has also allowed users to post their own experiences with human rights abuses and comment on the experiences of others. The commenting system has also allowed for follow-ups to the original post by authorities and the original author. Information on the website is divided among several headlines. Now reports are filed according to the location of the incident with tabs for police stations, temporary detention Centres, investigative wards, penal establishments, punishment of the MIA officers, punishments of the officers of the SPtS, traffic police, criminal proceeding against MIA officers, practice advisements, and other facilities.

KHPG workers and other members of the network took part in visits to places of non-liberty together with the representatives of the Ombudsman’s office according to the OPCAT. Members of the network also held many awareness-raising events in their regions.

Development of the system for legal aid to victims of torture and ill treatment. See sections 3, 4.

Awareness-raising and educational activities. Along for 2013 we conducted the following educational events: three one-day seminars for judges, two 3-days trainings for lawyers, and two 5-days schools on human rights for human rights activists. We also published and distributed five books on European and UN mechanisms of prevention of torture, on analysis of crimes of MIA officers, judgments in the strategic litigations supported by the SLC (in four volumes). We held several press-conferences and other public actions devoted to prevention of torture and ill-treatment in Ukraine and abroad.


7. Strengthening juvenile justice system (fight against torture and ill treatment of children)

In 2013 KHPG experts have finished a research on torture and ill-treatment of minors who have conflict with law. The research comprised the collection and analysis of data on children, who have been victims of torture and ill-treatment, analysis of the practices and laws of Ukraine in the light of international standards for children’s rights in the context of the prevention of torture and ill-treatment and protection, assistance, and indemnification for victims. We also analysed the effectiveness of the juvenile justice system in Ukraine in terms of prevention of torture and ill-treatment and the factors limiting the effectiveness of laws and governmental mechanisms intended for protection of children’s rights. The research concentrated on the understanding of the obstacles in the detection of cases of torture and ill-treatment, as well as study of them of the punishment of culprits. It also included a survey of several groups of respondents

Research results were summarised in a book «Torture and ill-treatment of children in Ukraine». The book was published and distributed in Ukrainian (1000 copies) and English (500 copies). Results of the research were discussed on the expert round table on 19 April in the Ombudsman’s office and public hearings on 24 April.


8. Monitoring and defence of freedom of expression and of the right to privacy as well as increasing transparency and openness of the state

Analytical, research, law-making and lobbying activities. In the beginning of 2013 the draft law on the changes to the Law on access to public information (reg. No. 10445) was discussed in expert groups, this draft legislation provided the changes into the 52 different laws and 4 Codes and thus bring into the line these laws with the Law on Access to Public Information. Later in 2013 this draft law received the No. 0947. KHPG experts participated in the preparation of the changes to the proposed draft law, namely in the part dedicated to the access to the archives. KHPG has also prepared the expertise of the 3 laws (on the information, on the access to public information and on data protection), with the recommendations, both texts were published in the Freedom of speech and Privacy. KHPG experts continued to prepare amendments to basic information laws «On information», «On access to public information», «On personal data protection» and others. Drafts on amendments to Law on printing media was considered and approved by the Parliamentary Committee on freedom of media. Draft of amendments to the Law «On personal data protection» was adopted by the Parliament.

The Draft law No. 0947 was several times postponed by the Parliament or removed from the agenda at the last day before adoption, due to this fact the process of the elaboration of materials of the project realization of the projects materials.

Development and strengthening a network for increasing transparency and openness of the state and combating corruption. The network of NGO activists, dealing with the transparency issues and the access to public information was established, the methodology of the monitoring by the experts of the implementation of the Law on Access to Public Information was elaborated and agreed with the all partners of the project, and the 1-st round of the monitoring was realised (in 10 regions of Ukraine). KHPG held seminar for state officials of central bodies of executive power on usage of the Law «On access to public information» and workshop for partner organisations in order to agree how to study practice of access to information according to this law. Furthermore, seminar for public officials on the access to public information was held in Kirovograd.

The journalistic anti-corruption investigations were realised, the materials on 12 anti-corruption cases and 4 investigations related to the human rights protection were published in e-media. KHPG also published the book “Journalist investigations” with texts prepared by the KHPG Journalist Investigations Bureau.

Court defence of freedom of information and privacy rights The first litigation was lunched after the refuse to provide the public information. The case after the hearings in the first instance and in appeal court is under consideration in the court of cassation.

Awareness-raising and educational activities. The information about the results of the work in this direction was presented and discussed in Berlin (18-20 November 2013) in the context of two events - the public discussion on Political Persecution, Freedom of Information and Data Protection and Second Eastern Europe Expert Discussion in the Heinrich Böll Foundation.


9. Monitoring and Analysing Hate Crime in Ukraine

KHPG monitors and monitors from the partner organisations continued to gather and check information on facts of hate crime and hate speech from the side of state bodies as well as passed this information to people, mass media and organisations involved. The monitoring covered 17 regions from 27 regions of the country (the Crimea; the Kharkiv, Poltava, Sumy, Lviv, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk regions, Kyiv and the Kyiv region, Donetsk, Lugansk, Cherkassi, Vinnitsa, Zhitomir, Kherson and Mikolaev regions. In addition, KHPG has prepared series public discussion in question joined with festival «Art of Tolerance».


10. Providing Information on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in Ukraine, civil education and aware-raising activities

In 2013 permanent PR-service has organised and actively worked.

KHPG updated own site on a daily basis (5-7 new materials in Ukrainian or Russian and 5-7 new materials in English per day), specialized site «Against Torture!» for victims of torture and ill-treatment in a daily basis (3-4 new materials per day), site (virtual library on human rights) on a weekly basis (4-5 new books per week), and site (virtual museum and archive of dissident movement in Ukraine) on a weekly basis (1-2 new materials per week). The most interesting materials were disseminated in the social networks.

Furthermore, KHPG prepared published and distributed a bulletin «Prava Ludyny» («Human Rights») two times per month and the monthly English bulletin «Prava Ludyny», extract from these two issues, as well as monthly bulletin «Human Rights. Civic Education» (each bulletin consists of 12 pages A4 format) and quarterly «Freedom of Expression and Privacy»

We are preparing a textbook «Human Rights in the Focus of Ukraine’s Recent History». Sections on genocide, crime against humanity, Nazi and communist crime have been prepared. Our approach was presented and discussed with teachers, representatives NGO’s including youth organizations of the region, journalists, and students. In Kharkiv we held six public discussions on human rights through the prism of Ukraine’s recent history for students and four seminars for pupils of 10-11 classes in Kharkiv Humanitarian Gymnasium "Hearth". In general, KHPG published and distributed 10 books.

KHPG also held two 5-days School on Hyman Rights for 30 human rights activists each on 19-23 March and 9-12 December. They were enrolled in lectures and seminars on concept of human rights, mechanisms of human rights defence, NGO management, fundraising, and preparation of project applications.

Since 1 February KHPG held weekly public discussion on actual topics with simultaneously translation in the Internet and participation of speakers from several cities of Ukraine. Results of each discussion placed to YouTube and several websites in view of WORD-transcript of the discussion.


11. Monitoring implementation of decisions of international bodies

KHPG experts have conducted activity in monitoring of enforcement of judgments of the ECtHR. They periodically applied to the Government’s Agent with a request about carrying out by the Government bodies requirements of the Law “On Enforcement of Judgments and Using the European Court of Human Rights Case-Law”. Specifically we have got and analyse copies of the Government’s Agent submissions to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on taking of supplementary individual measures or general measures,  copies of the submissions to the Supreme Court of Ukraine on the matter of violation of Article 2, 3, 5 and 6 of the European Convention in cases against Ukraine, information about proposals on improving of national judicial practice in compliance with the requirements of Article 6 of the Convention, as well about proposals for taking into consideration while preparation of draft laws.


12. Studies of history of human rights movement in USSR and Ukraine and history of political repression in USSR

KHPG continued to collect archive documents on dissident movement in former USSR and Ukraine and program of oral history (interview ex-dissidents). We started to translate biographies of dissidents and interviews with them into English as well as to digitize audi files and photos. 11 books have been published.


13. KHPG participation in the Euromaidan’s events  

The KHPG is a member of the Coordinating Board of the Euromaidan in Kharkiv. 8 KHPG employees take part in the Euromaidan rallies in Kharkiv on a permanent basis; 2 employees who constantly live in Kyiv, take part in the Euromaidan there. 4 more KHPG employees went to Kyiv on several occasions to participate in the Euromaidan.

The KHPG provides legal aid to all the victims of the human rights violations associated with the Kharkiv Euromaidan. In Kharkiv, 2 persons suffered from the attacks, 5 cars belonging to the Euromaidan participants were burnt, and one extremely dubious criminal case was instituted against a participant. In addition, the KHPG lawyers represent the interests of 7 victims of the human rights violations associated with the Euromaidans in other cities of Ukraine. We qualify all these cases as political persecutions.

The KHPG organized and conducted a working meeting “Euromaidan: Civic Human Rights Defence” in Kyiv on December 26 for 100 participants of the Euromaidan and human rights NGOs from different cities of Ukraine to discuss the new tasks and human rights defence mechanisms after December 1, 2013.

The KHPG took an active part in organizing and conducting of the Euromaidans’ forum in Kharkiv on January 11-12 (more than 200 participants). The forum was carried out in the extreme conditions. It was impossible to find the hall to hold the forum as we received 8 refusals. As a result, the plenary session took place in a church on Saturday and in the KHPG office on Sunday. Both of the halls could house around 50 people. However, there were approximately 150 people present. 7 workshops of the forum took place in the premises of the NGOs, including 2 of them were conducted in the KHPG premises. The KHPG office was left without electricity and a pro-government rally was arranged exactly in front of the residential block of flats where our office is situated on the first floor. The participants of the forum were repeatedly subjected to attacks by the participants of the pro-Russian organizations wearing the masks or by non-educated delinquents (“hopnyky” – in Ukrainian) simply hired for payment who threw smoke grenades, broke the glass and book shelves in a book store where one of the workshops took place. They even attacked the church. Owing to the well-established interaction of the KHPG with the police the latter faithfully guarded the forum participants from these attacks. As a result, only one person who protected the book store essentially suffered.

The English version of the KHPG portal includes the fullest collection of data on human rights violations associated with all Euromaidans in Ukraine.



List of the grants fulfilled by KHPG in 2013

We use the following abbreviations:

IRF – International «Renaissance» Foundation (Kyiv, Ukraine)

EC – European Commission

SIDA – Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

NED – National Endowment for Democracy (U.S.A.)

OSF – Open Society Foundation (Budapest)

EVZ – «Remembrance, Responsibility and Future» (Berlin, Germany)


Title of the project


Project period,



Defense of freedom of expression, access to information and right for privacy


21/12/12 – 20/03/15

€ 75 067,38

Enhancing legal opportunities for vulnerable groups in society to defend their rights (subgrant) for support of the KHPG PRO)


30/09/12 – 31/08/14

€   9350

Improvement of legislation and practice of access to archives


1/09/11 – 30/06/13

155 495 UAH

Providing Information and Analysis of Human Rights in Ukraine


01/04/12 – 30/03/13

$  47 200

Providing Information and Analysis of Human Rights in Ukraine


01/05/13 – 30/04/14

$  47 200

Development of legislative and organizational framework, based on international human rights standards, to defend human rights, with emphasis on fight against ill-treatment


21/09/12 – 20/09/14

€ 209 980.65

Development of legislative and organizational framework, based on international human rights standards, to defend human rights, with emphasis on fight against ill-treatment


10/09/12 – 10/09/13

451 200 UAH

Defense of children from torture and ill-treatment in Ukraine


12/09/12 – 30/04/13

112 000 UAH

Defense of children from torture and ill-treatment in Ukraine

U.S. Embassy

04/05/12 – 29/04/13

$ 12 377

Fostering Human Rights through the Prism of Ukraine’s Recent History


01/01/12 – 31/03/13

€ 14 470

Legal aid networking for vulnerable groups


18/12/12 – 17/12/13


840 460 UAH

Institutional Support for 2013


01/01/13 – 31/12/13

$  99 500

Core Support


01/02/13 – 31/12/13

 € 349 400





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