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Analysis of the human rights situation in Ukraine
Human rights in Ukraine – 2004. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2005. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2006. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2007. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2008. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2009 – 2010. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2011. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2012. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2013. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2014. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights and civil society
History of the dissident movement in Ukraine
Political persecution in modern Ukraine
Our reports to international bodies
war crimes in Ukraine
The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.
• Archive
Odessa opposition does not believe in promises of the power to liquidate drawbacks
On 3 November a press conference of Volodymir Lemza, the manager of the executive committee of the Odessa city council, was held in Odessa. The press conference was devoted to the first tour of presidential election and the drawbacks revealed during it. The power assured that the second tour would be more perfect. Opposition does not believe in this.
Election in Nikopol
Violations during the voting in Nikopol.
Commentary to the events during Presidential election in the Ternopil region
Review of the violations of election rights of citizens.
Violations observed in the course of the election in the Chernigiv region
The Chernigiv public committee of human rights protection, in the framework of work of the informational center “Human rights during elections” and the project “Active protection of election rights-2004”, spreads the information about violations of human rights connected with the election process and violation of operating laws disclosed during the voting and calculation of votes on 31 October 2004 on the territory of the Chernigiv region.
Punishment for work
Militia kidnaps the observers
It was ordered to spoil bulletins during the run-off election
Whether the authorities exerted pressure on the election in Kharkiv?
Commentary by the Kharkiv human rights protection group on election-2004
The progress of the 2004 Presidential election is characterized by stiff, even savage confrontation between candidates nominated by different political camps, as well as by ultimately law moral standards of conduct manifested by the acting executive power…
Open letter on non-transparent and criminal activities of power
The analysis of the law drafts concerning the political reform
Access of candidates to mass media during the election campaign
The access of candidates to presidency to mass media and the context of presentation of information on election in different mass media are the subjects of the research carried out by the Institute of mass information, international human rights protecting organization “Article 19” and the Kharkov group for human rights protection. In what follows we present the results of the monitoring.
Threats to journalists
The group of Kharkov journalists was openly threatened in presence of militiamen.
Not all cases on meddling of officials in the election process are hopeless
The Appeal court of the Rivne oblast acknowledged as illegal the actions of the official, who agitated for Viktor Yanukovich.
Appeal of the Chernigiv public committee of human rights protection on brutal violation of citizens right for the freedom of movement
In the morning of 30 October 2004 dwellers of Chernigiv started to turn to the Chernigiv public committee of human rights protection with the information that they or their acquaintances were coercively held in childrens camps near the village of Piatikhatki not far from Kyiv.
Appeal of the Chernigiv public committee of human rights protection on mass violations of constitutional rights of citizens of Ukraine – members of public action “PORA!” in Chernigiv and their persecution by political reasons
On 18 October 2004, on the day of visit of candidate to presidency Viktor Yanukovich to Chernigiv, activists of the public action “PORA!” turned to the Chernigiv public committee of human rights protection with the information that their colleagues were massively detained and transported in unknown direction.
On observance of human rights, connected with the election process, in the Chernigiv oblast
An excerpt from the report on the observance of human rights, connected with the election process, in the Chernigiv oblast in September and October 2004.
Editor-in-chief of the informational agency “Status Quo” was dismissed in Kharkov
He refused to fulfill the political order to agitate for candidate to Presidents post Viktor Yanukovich.
Inhabitants of Gadiach are made to sell their votes to Yanukovich
It was proposed to the workers of local post office to write the appeal about their intention to vote for Yanukovich in exchange for 150 hryvnas. This and other facts of violations in Gadiach.
Students as an object of coercion
Students are forced to take part in the meetings in the support of Yanukovich and prohibited to visit the meetings of Yushchenko.
Tax inspection as a tool for struggle with “adverse” agitation
An official of the Kremenets district administration demanded from owner of a private shop to remove from the shop the agitation placard in favor of Yushchenko. This story had a continuation in the form of unscheduled check of the shop by tax inspection.