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Analysis of the human rights situation in Ukraine
Human rights in Ukraine – 2004. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2005. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2006. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2007. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2008. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2009 – 2010. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2011. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2012. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2013. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2014. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights and civil society
History of the dissident movement in Ukraine
Political persecution in modern Ukraine
Our reports to international bodies
war crimes in Ukraine
The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.
• Archive
The Lugansk oblast. Events in Krasny Luch
On 25 September unknown persons spilt the solution of brilliant green on an agitation tent of V. Yushchenkos headquarters…
Vinnitsa. Administrative resource at “Ukrzaliznitsa” – let us fight against the evil together!
Illegal agitation at a state enterprise – the Kyiv railway station.
On court composition for consideration of the appeals against the activities of district election commissions
The Supreme Rada committee in charge of policy of law considered the request of A. Yarema, a deputy head of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, who brought up the question about the court composition for consideration by local courts of the appeals against decisions, activities or passivity of district election commissions concerning the preparation and conduction of election of the President of Ukraine.
Court acknowledged the passivity of General Prosecutors office
The human rights protector turned to the General Prosecutors office with the informational request, but got no answer. Then he turned to court, which satisfied the complaint and obliged the General Prosecutors office to respond to the request.
Will the observance of human rights become the basic demand at the collection of information from communication channels?
Brief comparative analysis of the law drafts on monitoring and interception of telecommunications and some propositions of the author.
Appeal of the ecologic public organization “Zeleny svit” on the election of the President of Ukraine
“The public organization “Zeleny svit”, an independent and non-party organization, confirms its adherence to the principles of humanism, non-violence and superiority of right. Being the conscientious citizens of our country, we are worried about the lot of Ukrainian democracy and civil society…”
Seminar for judges of the Chernigiv oblast “Right for free election in international and domestic legislation in the context of election of the President of Ukraine”
On 27 August 2004 the seminar for judges of the Chernigiv oblast “Right for free election in international and domestic legislation in the context of election of the President of Ukraine” was held in Chernigiv.
Election process in the Chernigiv oblast
During July the tendency intensified to the use of administrative resource in favor of one of the candidates to the post of President of Ukraine.
Statement of the Chernigiv Public Committee of Human Rights Protection on increase of the cases of administrative pressure on voters by representatives of organs of state power and local self-government in the Chernigiv oblast
The ChPCHRP expresses anxiety about the increase of the facts of exertion of pressure on voters by local state administrations of the Chernigiv oblast with the goal to provide the political support to the only candidate from power during presidential election in Ukraine.
Research of the level of access to mass media: the Lugansk oblast
The data of the monitoring, which was conducted in July by the Lugansk branch of the VCU, demonstrate the existence of the essential discrepancy in presentation of political subjects and the amount of elucidation of these subjects. Thus, the situation in the Lugansk oblast does not agree with the principle of equal access of subjects of election to information.
State and communal mass media in the Crimea do not inform the local dwellers about the course of election campaign in Ukraine
Volodymir Pritula, the head of the Committee for monitoring of the freedom of the press in the Crimea, presented the results of monitoring of two Crimean state editions “Krymskie izvestiya” (the Supreme Rada of the Crimea) and “Krymskaya gazeta” (the Council of Ministers of the Crimea).
Election campaign in Krivoy Rog
All violations of election legislation in the Krivoy Rog are typical for the entire Ukraine…
Kherson oblast in the Presidential election campaign-2004: all-Ukrainian tendencies and regional peculiarities
The first months of the election campaign were characterized with the mass facts of illegal meddling of the organs of state power into the election process and, as a result, violation of the principle of equality of subjects of the election process.
Press conference of Oleksandr Zinchenko in Kharkov
On 13 August the press conference of Oleksandr Zinchenko, a deputy of the Head of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine, head of the election headquarters of “Our Ukraine”, was held in the Kharkov regional headquarters.
On the election campaign in Kharkov and the Kharkov oblast
The Kharkov group for human rights protection, jointly with the Institute of mass information and the international center against censorship “Article 19”, realizes the monitoring of mass media and election campaign. Here we present the review of the results of monitoring of the beginning of the election campaign.
Violations of rights and fundamental freedoms of citizens during election process: generalization of messages of human rights protecting organizations
Numerous violations of elective and other rights and fundamental freedoms of citizens in the course of the election campaign are observed in Ukraine.
In memory of the slaughtered sons and daughters of Ukraine.
In memory of Ukrainians executed in the Solovki special prison and in Sandarmokh (Karelia).
Ukrainian Helsinki Union of human rights was registered
On 30 June the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine registered the all-Ukrainian Association of human rights protecting organizations “Ukrainian Helsinki Union of human rights”, which had been founded by 15 human rights protecting organizations.
Report on the results of monitoring of quality of the autumn recruiting campaign-2003
The Kharkov Union of soldiers mothers (KhUSM) continues the monitoring of the quality of recruiting campaigns.
Main principles of the future law on peaceful assemblies and demonstrations in the context of the European standards on human rights
Main principles of the future law on peaceful assemblies and demonstrations in the context of the European standards on human rights