Summary of the events that occurred in Kherson city and Kherson oblast during the 90 days of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war (February 24 – May 24 2022)
This publication provides the summary of the information gathered by the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union, within the global initiative “Tribunal for Putin” on the alleged international crimes in 90 days of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war.
840 episodes were documented and recorded in the database. Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union documents the international crimes (genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes), allegedly committed by the Russian occupiers in Kherson and Kherson oblast.
In this article we publish the summary of events that occurred in Kherson and Kherson oblast during the 90 days of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war (February 24 – May 24 2022). The information in this publication is approximate, based on the data collected by us and requires specification.
The detailed description of events for the period of February 24 – May 24 2022 and references to the sources of information are contained in the daily chronicles for that period.
1. Information on civilian casualties
During the study period in Kherson oblast we recorded a total of 423 episodes related to civilian casualties or violation of rights among the civilian population.
Kherson oblast:
Type of casualties or violations |
Victims |
Episodes recorded |
Civilian death |
126 |
86 |
Injury |
154 |
77 |
Rape |
2 |
1 |
Violation of rights |
8 |
7 |
Disappearance of a person |
346 |
252 |
Total episodes |
636 |
423 |
1.1. Information on casualties and injuries among the civilians
According to data already recorded in our database, in the study period in total in Kherson oblast (including the city of Kherson) due to artillery shelling and hostilities at least 126 people died and at least 154 people were wounded.
1.2. Information on rape and other violations of human rights
According to data already recorded in our database, in the study period in total in Kherson oblast (including the city of Kherson) there were recorded the facts of probable rape of at least two civilians. Recording of such category of crimes is complicated on one hand by the limited access of the documentaries to the victims, and on the other hand – by the need to verify that information in detail.
The cases of violations of human rights also include the cases of forced labor of the captured soldiers of AFU and forced labor of the convicts in the penitentiary institutions.
1.3 Information on the disappearances of people.
We were also able to document in our data base the information on the facts of probable enforced disappearance of at least 345 civilians.
This phenomenon is massive and it is spread between the smallest settlements and the city of Kherson and district centers. Among the categories of persons who disappear the most are:
- former participants in ATO;
- current and former employees of law-enforcement bodies;
- active employees and organizers of pro-Ukrainian meetings;
- journalists;
- heads of local governments;
- heads of enterprises, farmers.
Most of the released persons from among those who were kidnapped were allegedly subjected to psychological and physical violence. We were able to record at least 14 cases of alleged torture of people.
It is necessary to pay separate attention to the fact that the civilians who disappeared are conditionally divided into three categories:
- those who are released within several days;
- those who are held captive for 2-3 weeks;
- the people the information about which is absent after the disappearance.
According to the information provided by the Mayor of Kherson in the interview to the media, as of April 29, 2022 220 residents of the city of Kherson were kidnapped. At the same time the head of Kherson oblast state administration reports about 120 kidnapped persons in the entire Kherson oblast (as of May 9, 2022).
2. Information on residential buildings and civilian infrastructure damaged by hostilities
According to the data already recorded in our database, in the study period in Kherson oblast (including the city of Kherson) at least 1852 objects of civilian infrastructure were damaged due to artillery shelling and hostilities, including:
Type of objects |
Quantity |
Dwelling houses |
1648 |
Objects of educational and scientific purpose |
41 |
Medical facilities |
8 |
Civil infrastructure facilities |
13 |
Cultural and recreational facilities |
7 |
Religious objects |
2 |
Objects of entrepreneurship and commercial production |
30 |
Transport infrastructure facilities |
1 |
Infrastructure of housing and communal services |
33 |
Historical monuments |
4 |
Farmlands |
4 |
Bridges |
1 |
Civil vehicles |
60 |
Objects total |
1852 |
3. Information on the types of events that were recorded in the study period
According to the data already recorded in our database, in the study period in Kherson oblast (including the city of Kherson) occurred at least the following events:
Event |
Episodes |
Artillery shelling (bombardment) |
379 |
Firing from small arms |
57 |
Explosive device |
10 |
Damage caused by a vehicle |
4 |
Tortures, inhuman treatment |
14 |
Disappearance |
229 |
Unlawful detention |
18 |
Use of civilian population as a shield |
1 |
Appropriation of property of civilians |
30 |
Willful killing of a civilian |
13 |
Attack on a warehouse of humanitarian aid, humanitarian convoy, humanitarian mission or corridor |
1 |
Rape |
1 |
Enforced mobilization |
1 |
Occupation of a civilian building |
28 |
Not indicated |
14 |
4. Information on the recorded facts which can be preliminarily classified as international crimes, allegedly committed by the Russian occupiers
According to the information that we collected, during the study period in Kherson oblast (including the city of Kherson) we recorded the following facts that can be preliminarily classified as international crimes, allegedly committed by the Russian occupiers:
Preliminary classification of an event |
Quantity |
RS 8 (2) (b) (ix). Damage or destruction of historical monuments, hospitals, religious buildings, education, science and art institutions |
42 |
RS 8 (2) (b) (v) Shelling of a settlement without consequences |
4 |
RS 8 (2) (b) (ii). Attack on a civilian object |
221 |
RS 8 (2) (b) (iv) Destruction or damage to property |
271 |
RS 8 (2) (a) (iv) Extensive destruction or appropriation of property |
6 |
RS 7 (1) (а) or 8 (2) (а) (i) Wilful killing of a civilian by a firearm or another weapon |
26 |
RS 8 (2) (а) (ііі) Wilful injuring of a civilian |
22 |
RS 7 (1) (i) Enforced disappearance of a person |
257 |
RS 7 (f) or 8 (2) (а) (іі). Torture or inhuman treatment of civilians or military |
14 |
RS 8 (2) (b) (iii) Attack on a warehouse of humanitarian aid, humanitarian convoy, humanitarian mission or corridor |
1 |
RS 8 (2) (b) (iv) Death of a person due to shelling |
54 |
RS 8 (2) (b) (iv) Injury due to shelling |
47 |
RS 8 (2) (b) (xx) Employing weapons that cause superfluous damage or indiscriminate suffering of people, or causes indiscriminate destruction, or is prohibited by international agreements |
77 |
RS 8 (2) (b) (xxii) Rape |
1 |
RS 8 (2) (b) (xxiii) The use of an object or people as a shield |
1 |
RS 7 (1) (е). Unlawful arrest and detention of a civilian or military |
2 |
RS 8 (2) (a) (v). Enforced mobilization |
1 |
RS 8 (2) (b) (xx). Mining of settlements or individual civil objects with anti-infantry mines, anti-tank mines, trap mines, the use of remote mining systems. |
2 |
RS 8 (2) (b) (iv) Ecological disaster due to shelling |
1 |
RS 8 (2) (b) (xvi) Looting of an occupied settlement |
23 |
RS 8 (2) (a) (vii) The use of insignia of the Ukrainian army by Russians |
1 |
RS (8) (2) (XV) Forced labor for the benefit of Russia's military |
1 |
These data require clarification. The category names in the “Preliminary classification of an event” column is in no case an accurate description of an international crime under the Roman Statute of the International Criminal Court, and is provided only for the information purpose. Only the court is authorized tom provide the final classification of the event.
5. Conclusions
The analysis of the collected information gives grounds to claim that there were deaths and injuries of civilians, destruction and damage of civilian objects – dwelling buildings and infrastructure facilities due to wilful shelling and indiscriminate shelling.
The analysed information also gives reasons to claim probable incidents of enforced disappearances, captures of civilians, violations of humanitarian corridors and attacks on humanitarian aid supplies and convoys, volunteers, looting, killings and others.
We believe that such acts can be pre-classified as crimes against humanity under Article 7 para. (1) (а), (d), (е), (f), (i) and as war crimes under Article 8 para. (2) (a) (i), (іі), (ііі), (iv), (v), (vii), (viii), (b) (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (viii), (ix), (xx), (xxii), (xxiii), (xxv).
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