war crimes in Ukraine

The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.

Property of the newspaper 㤝 vek’ arrested

In the end of January of the current year the Zhovtnevy district court of Lugansk took a decision, in which it satisfied partly the claim of V. Landik, the head of the Labor party, against the independent newspaper 㤝 vek’ that is distributed in the Lugansk oblast. According to the court decision, the newspaper must published the refutation of the article, which was regarded as spreading untrue information abusing honor and dignity of Landik. The newspaper also had to recompense the moral damage by paying Hr 2025.5, as well as court expenses of several hundreds hrivnas.

Yu. Yurov, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, treated the decision as a pressure on the independent press and did not obey the decision. In May the court issued another decision to force the newspaper to fulfil the verdict. In order to guarantee the fulfillment of the decision, some property of the newspaper evaluated at Hr 2500 was arrested.

The newspaper did not appeal against the decision.

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