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Analysis of the human rights situation in Ukraine
Human rights in Ukraine – 2004. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2005. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2006. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2007. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2008. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2009 – 2010. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2011. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2012. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2013. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2014. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights and civil society
History of the dissident movement in Ukraine
Political persecution in modern Ukraine
Our reports to international bodies
“Prava Ludiny” (human rights) monthly bulletin
Some KHPG publications
Freedom of Expression in Ukraine
Аrticles en Français
war crimes in Ukraine
The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.
• Topics / Army
Law on mobilization: The Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group analysis
We explain whether going to the military registration and enlistment office (TTsK) is necessary and how it will issue call-up papers and register cars. And also, why the new law does not actually solve our problems.
To the President of Ukraine V.O. Zelenskyi
The initiative group “December 1” opposed the dismissal of Zaluzhnyi.
Russia is forcing Ukrainians from occupied Crimea and Donbas to fight in its invasion of Ukraine
Russia is illegally mobilizing Ukrainian men from occupied Crimea and Donbas to take part in its invasion of Ukraine and kill fellow Ukrainians
Over 50% of Ukrainians willing to take up arms or otherwise resist further Russian invasion of Ukraine
A third of Ukrainians questioned in a nationwide survey have said that they would take up arms against a new Russian incursion into Ukrainian territory, while over a fifth (21.7%) expressed willingness to demonstrate civil resistance
At least 52 Crimeans prosecuted for refusing to serve in Russian occupiers’ army
There can be many reasons why individual Crimeans have sought to avoid Russian military service. In all cases, however, it is Russia that is violating international law by forcing young men to serve in an occupying army
Russia sends Ukrainians from occupied Crimea to fight in Syria
Ukrainian human rights groups have submitted evidence to the International Criminal Court of Russia’s war crimes in forcing young Crimeans to serve in the occupying state’s army
Russia’s censor threatens Ukrainian newspaper for explaining that conscription of Crimeans is a war crime
Roskomnadzor has threatened to block access to the website of Dzerkalo Tyzhnia, a major Ukrainian newspaper over an article about Russia’s imposition of conscription in occupied Crimea. Dzerkalo Tyzhnia has reacted by expressing disappointment in such shoddy work from the Russian censor and willingness “to point to other material for which the site should be hidden from Russians”.
Russia doubles war crimes against Crimeans forced to serve in occupier’s army
Young Crimean conscripts have approached human rights activists complaining of demands that they renounce their Ukrainian citizenship. This alone is a war crime, but so too is Russia’s ongoing conscription of young men on territory it is illegally occupying .
10 thousand Crimeans forced to serve in Russian occupying army
Russia is continuing to violate international law by conscripting young Crimeans into the army of an occupying state, and prosecuting those who refuse to do military service. Conscription is also forming part of Russia’s mounting persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Eyewitnesses Ponder Real Reasons Behind Raid On Kyiv Nightclub, Question Excessive Force
Eyewitnesses and human rights advocates say Ukrainian authorities used excessive force when they arrested 17 young clubgoers for drug possession and detained 32 others they described as draft dodgers in an early morning raid on a popular Kyiv nightclub.
Crimean Jehovah’s Witnesses told to renounce their faith or serve in occupiers’ army
A Crimean Jehovah’s Witness has been ordered to provide ‘proof of change of faith’ in order to be eligible for alternative civilian service. Russia is already in grave breach of international humanitarian law by conscripting young men on illegally occupied Ukrainian territory, and is now adding open religious repression
Russia breaches international law forcing Crimeans to serve in occupying army
Nearly 5 thousand young Crimeans are to be conscripted into Russia’s army in 2017, with Russia thus openly flouting the UN General Assembly and the Fourth Geneva Convention. For the first time since Russia invaded and annexed Crimea, Crimeans will be sent to regions of the Russian Federation
Ambushes as quota-filling ’mobilization’ continue in the Kharkiv oblast
The police and recruitment offices in Kharkiv are continuing to grab young men effectively off the street and send them to military recruitment centres, despite assurances from the Interior Minister and Kharkiv Governor that such methods of ‘mobilization’ would stop.
Ambush in Kharkiv
On how they fulfill the mobilization plan in Kharkiv
Outrage as young men grabbed off the street in Kharkiv for military service
While the regional military commissar claims that all is in order, representatives of the Kharkiv Human Rights Group are adamant that this is in breach of the Constitution and can be viewed as abduction
Ukraine’s leaders broaden mobilization while refusing to declare state of war
Failure to officially acknowledge what Ukrainians have been living with since the Spring of 2014 can only arouse distrust and questions about who benefits by not declaring a state of war in which Russia, not isolated ‘terrorists’, is the main aggressor.
Thousands of soldiers prevented from voting
Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada has failed to introduce amendments to electoral legislation which would have enabled military servicemen from the ATO zone to vote in the elections
The Savchenko Case shows Russia in tandem with militants
Should anybody have doubted the close ties between the Russian authorities and pro-Russian militants in eastern Ukraine, Nadiya Savchenko, a military officer taken prisoner and paraded as a ‘trophy’ by militants three weeks ago is now facing prosecution on dubious charges in Russia
Human Rights Monitors express concern about Krasny Liman
A monitoring group has found no evidence for allegations that the Ukrainian National Guard shot wounded militants in Krasny Liman, but has found disturbing evidence indicating the need for a thorough investigation as to whether a hospital may have been the deliberate target of mortar fire
Ministry denies that conscript died of a brain injury
A young man on military service has died in one of the units of the MIA Internal Military Forces near Kyiv. Reports that other conscripts had their mobile telephones removed and were ordered to say nothing have also been denied