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Analysis of the human rights situation in Ukraine
Human rights in Ukraine – 2004. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2005. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2006. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2007. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2008. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2009 – 2010. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2011. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2012. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2013. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2014. Human rights organizations’ report
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“Prava Ludiny” (human rights) monthly bulletin
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war crimes in Ukraine
The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.
• Topics / The right to life
Russia is hiding the body of Ukrainian journalist who died after months in notorious Russian prison
Whether or not Russia deliberately murdered Victoria Roshchyna, its imprisonment of the young journalist was illegal, and the fact that she was held at a prison notorious for torture of immense concern
Russia refuses critically ill Crimean Tatar political prisoner life-saving heart surgery
Crimean Solidarity civic journalist Amet Suleimanov turned 40 on 25 October 2024 in Russian prison with his persecutors seemingly determined to cause his death
Imprisoned Crimean Tatar civic journalist will die soon without life-saving heart surgery
Amet Suleimanov should never have been imprisoned, let alone delivered a death sentence for his Crimean Solidarity journalism. Please help ensure that Russia is stopped from carrying it out!
Russia admits to passing death sentence against imprisoned Crimean Tatar civic journalist Amet Suleimanov
Russian doctors have acknowledged that the Crimean Solidarity civic journalist and political prisoner is gravely ill, but say he will be released only “twenty minutes before dying”
Ukrainian prisoner dies after savage beating by prison staff and refusal to provide medical care
Serhiy Trotsko died because Ukraine’s penitentiary service, even its medics preferred to watch him die than to tell the truth about the torture he had been subjected to
Russia refuses critically ill Crimean Tatar political prisoner vital heart medication
Russia is flouting a UN Committee against Torture order regarding its imprisonment of Amet Suleimanov and effective torture of the Crimean Tatar civic journalist imprisoned on politically motivated charges
First sentences in Ukraine over mass murder of Maidan activists
The prosecutor has already announced that he will be appealing against the startling verdicts and sentences
Russia upholds death sentences against two Crimean Tatar political prisoners after killing one of them
For monstrous reasons, it was probably predictable that the 13-year sentence against the late Dzhemil Gafarov would be upheld, but the ‘judges’ still had the opportunity to save the life of 63-year-old Servet Gaziev, and failed to take it
Russia refuses to investigate the torture to death of Crimean Tatar political prisoner Dzhemil Gafarov
It is vital, therefore, that all of those implicated in implementing effective death sentences are placed under international sanctions
Gravely ill Crimean Tatar civic journalist sent to certain death in Russian prison
Russia has already caused the deaths of two Ukrainian political prisoners, and has now flouted the United Nations Committee against Torture and begun implementing an effective death sentence against Amet Suleimanov
Russia has killed two Ukrainian political prisoners and is endangering at least 21 others
The Soviet regime also denied Ukrainian political prisoners medical treatment and caused their deaths, but, according to one former Soviet political prisoner, the level of lawlessness was not as bad as now
Russia is brutally torturing and may kill dangerously ill Crimean Tatar political prisoner
Amet Suleimanov was sentenced to 12 years effectively for reporting on Russian repression in occupied Crimea. In his case this is undoubtedly a death sentence, with the danger imminent and mounting
ECHR strikes out Russia’s attempt to blame Ukraine for the downing of MH17
Russia’s application to the European Court of Human Rights may well have always been aimed at causing more delay to the important interstate case of Ukraine and the Netherlands v. Russia over the latter’s role in MH17
Ukraine passes long sentences against former top official over savage killing of Kherson activist Kateryna Handziuk
Almost five years after a horrific acid attack on Kateryna Handziuk, a first-instance court in Kyiv has sentenced Vladyslav Manher to 10 years on a charge of commissioning the crime
Life-saving medication taken away from gravely ill Crimean Solidarity civic journalist in Russian occupation prison
The penitentiary service may well kill Amet Suleimanov even before Russia tries to execute the next stage of this effective death sentence and send him to a Russian prison colony.
Controversial verdict over abduction, torture and killing of Euromaidan activist Yury Verbytskyy
Oleksandr Medvid has been found guilty of abducting Yury Verbytsky from hospital during the Euromaidan protests, but has been freed from serving the sentence
UN Committee orders Russia to refrain from killing second Crimean Tatar political prisoner in one month
Failure to comply will almost certainly result in the death of civic journalist Amet Suleimanov less than a month after Russia tortured Crimean Tatar political prisoner Dzhemil Gafarov to death
Russia terminates ‘trial’ of refugee it killed in occupied Crimea two years ago
The Russian authorities are still refusing to hand over the body of Nabi Rakhimov with the reason almost certainly because this would confirm that the FSB are lying about how and why they killed Rakhimov
Russia tortures Crimean Tatar political prisoner Dzhemil Gafarov to death
60-year-old Dzhemil Gafarov died in a Russian prison on 10 February 2023, almost four years after he was first arrested on fabricated charges and, in violation even of Russian law, placed in detention
Sentence passed over savage killing of Ukrainian human rights lawyer Iryna Nozdrovska
The victim’s daughter believes that the sentence against Yury Rossoshansky was just, but that others were also involved in her savage murder, including a high-ranking police official