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Analysis of the human rights situation in Ukraine
Human rights in Ukraine – 2004. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2005. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2006. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2007. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine – 2008. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2009 – 2010. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2011. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2012. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2013. Human rights organizations’ report
Human rights in Ukraine 2014. Human rights organizations’ report
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war crimes in Ukraine
The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.
• Topics / Freedom of conscience and religion
Russian FSB carry out new terror raids and arrests by quota in occupied Crimea
The FSB prefer to get their ‘statistics’ by fighting whole families. First they came for Emir Kurtnezirov’s severely ill father, then for him, less than two months after he married the daughter and niece of four other Crimean Tatar political prisoners
Dmytro Vovk: What awaits Ukraine after the law banning the Ukranian Orthodox Church?
The law banning religious organizations that have the center of influence in the Russian Federation has already entered into force recently. What will be the consequences of increased state intervention in religious affairs? How will the European Court of Human Rights react to the ban on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church? We spoke to an expert.
Dangers lurk behind Ukraine’s ban on Russian-linked Ukrainian Orthodox Church
The active support shown by Kirill and his patriarchate for Russia’s war of aggression is criminal, but the ban of a Ukrainian Church which now denies affiliation may prove a Pandora’s box
Relentless brutality against Crimean Tatar civic activist sentenced to 19 years for refusing to leave Crimea and his family
Russia is not even trying to conceal the fact that it is targeting civic journalists and activists of the Crimean Tatar human rights movement - and, effectively, their children
More sentences passed, one escalated for studying the Bible in Russian-occupied Crimea
Russia is continuing to find Ukrainian Jehovah's Witnesses, in this case Serhiy Parfenovych and Yury Herashchenko guilty of ‘organizing extremist activities’ for practising their faith
Russia resorts to fake medical assessments to conceal death sentence against Crimean Tatar civic journalist Amet Suleimanov
The Russians implicated in imprisoning Amet Suleimanov for reporting Russian repression in Crimea are willing to cause his death rather than ‘risk’ releasing a political prisoner
Emir-Usein Kuku and Russia’s savage persecution of Crimean Tatar human rights defenders
It was no accident that Russia’s violent arrests in February 2016 and terrorisation of whole families led to the emergence of the Crimean Solidarity human rights movement in occupied Crimea
Ukrainian becomes first Jehovah’s Witness to face escalated persecution in Russian prison
Russia has been persecuting Ukrainian believers since soon after its appalling ban of a world faith, however this is the first time that any Jehovah’s Witness has faced such an escalation in sentence
Russia, Jehovah’s Witnesses banned since 20 April 2017
World Headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses (20.04.2024) – April 20th marks the seventh anniversary of Russia’s nationwide ban on Jehovah’s Witnesses, which has led to hundreds of peaceful believers jailed and some brutally tortured.
Russian occupation ‘court’ convicts Jehovah’s Witness of ‘extremism’ for reading excerpts from the Bible
The sentence was, thankfully, lower than that demanded by the ‘prosecutor’ against Maksym Zinchenko for peacefully practising his faith
Dmytro Vovk: Is it possible to ban the Ukranian Orthodox Church?
In the first reading, the Verkhovna Rada adopted draft law No. 8371 on the prohibition of religious organizations that have a center of influence in the Russian Federation. The essence of the draft law, whether this ban is proportional, and how it will affect the relationship between the Ukrainian state and the church are discussed in this article.
Crimean occupation ‘court’ orders retrial of four Ukrainian Jehovah’s Witnesses sentenced for studying the Bible
It is cheering that Taras Kuzio, Serhiy Liulin and Petro Zhiltsov have been released, however there should have been an acquittal, with any proper ‘court’ throwing out the preposterous charges
Crimean Solidarity activist and political prisoner in critical condition in Russian prison hospital
Russia has already killed one of the 25 Crimean Tatar civic activists and journalists arrested in its 2019 attack on the human rights movement, and it is now placing Tofik Abdulgaziev’s life in danger
Crimean Solidarity journalist and activists arrested, their families terrorized, in new Russian offensive against Crimean Tatars
Russia’s FSB have carried out more armed dawn raids, destroying the lives of ten Crimean Tatar families for ‘good statistics’ and bonuses
Horrific sentences against Crimean Solidarity journalists for telling the world of Russia’s crimes in occupied Crimea
All of those implicated in this final attack on Crimean Tatar civic journalists and activists should be named and placed under international sanctions
Vital ruling as court in Ukraine acknowledges right of believers to not take up arms even in wartime
Although Ukraine’s Constitution seems quite unequivocal, it is likely that this latest acquittal will be challenged on the spurious claim that the right to alternative service does not apply to mobilization
Crimean Solidarity civic journalist Rustem Sheikhaliev denied urgently needed medical care in rat-infested Russian prison
Crimean Solidarity civic journalist Rustem Sheikhaliev may well be suffering from a life-threatening condition with the same notorious prison that helped torture political prisoner Dzhemil Gafarov to death refusing to provide any treatment
Russia raids Jehovah’s Witnesses in occupied Mariupol, claiming they ‘finance Ukraine’s Armed Forces’
It was always a matter of time before Russia began its armed raids and arrests of peaceful worshippers on any occupied Ukrainian territory, however the added charges are especially cynical
Crimean Tatar journalist and activists face huge sentences in Russia’s retaliation for humiliating attack by Ukraine
How do you take ‘terrorism’ charges seriously when the FSB sat on the illicitly taped conversation about prayer which allegedly proves the charges for seven years?
Russia frees criminals, sentences Crimean Tatar civic journalist to 11 years for moral integrity
The Russian FSB in occupied Crimea were open in telling Ernes Ametov that his horrific sentence was in retaliation for refusing to give false testimony against others